If you have ever wondered about your last.fm chart giving people wrong impression about you putting some strange artists on the first places (or even have tried to tweak it, forcing your player to play the songs you like more… hehe some people do it) that’s all could be about lack of metadata or the simple fact that track durations are not taken into account.
Though, it’s far from perfect due to computational complexity and lack of timing data for each track you’ve listened to,
last.fm normalised chart script adds an option to view the artist chart on any profile page based on time played rather than play counts. This is done by using the feed from mattperdeaux, which calculates time played based on the average track length for that artist in MusicBrainz.
Install the script to see time-based charts on each last.fm user page. Or if you are too lazy to do that or just curious, you can just query usernames and get results
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