A bit late, this should have been posted yesterday. Didn't really feel like it... Sometime I'm going to include pictures of completed projects. It's just so obnoxious getting good images of everything, because I am a shit photographer.
Complete this week:
1. A bag for plastic bags, because I am sick of them falling off the fridge and spilling all over my desk.
As predicted, jack all. This week has been really frustrating. I mostly spent it studying for a midterm (which I didn't have time to complete, but neither did much of the class, so we'll see...). All I managed was to make some progress on
1. The houndstooth vest for my coworker. It is largely done, I just need to place buttonholes and sew up the basted side seams and either press the lapels or tack them in place, because they like to flip up.
No Progress:
1. Jason's bag is still stalled.
2. Baby quilt.
3. Red poppy dress.
4. Pyjama pants.
5. Whale from last week.
6. Mouse prototype is untouched.
Not started:
1. One pair of pyjama pants.
2. One brown herringbone shift dress.
3. New project in the wings: borrowed a cute apron pattern from the costume shop. I'd like to make it without having to buy more fabric, but it's going to require a lot of fabric (upwards of 1.5 yards, more if I line it) so I need to raid my stash and see if I have anything suitable. I may have to buy some bias tape - I hate pre-made bias tape. I should buy some of those bias-makers so I can more easily make my own.
Completed this year:
31 - Space Apron
6 - Purple fingerless gloves (Moda Dea yarn).
9 - Canvas and leather tote bag.
11 - Raspberry fingerless gloves (Moda Dea yarn).
17 - Curtains for the front door and hall closet.
19 - One pair of purple fingerless gloves (Alpaca Love yarn).
19 - An ocean-themed travel bag for my knitting.
22 - One pair of pink-and-purple fingerless gloves (Moda Dea yarn).
22 - Green and mushroom purse.
3 - Plastic bag caddy.