Jun 21, 2006 16:00
I hate complaining, especially because I know there are so many people out there who have it worse than I do, but today I feel compelled!
I can't really get specific, because most people who read this know very little about what I do because a rarely update, that's my fault, sorry!
Anyway, work has been getting to me. Today is the equivilant of my firday, and a much needed one at that! It probably doesn't help that I have raging pms, the summer months are the bussiest at the spa, we are understaffed, I am in the middle of a management trainee period, I am learning more and more about the people I work with, sometimes it's more than I want to know! I cannot WAIT to get home to visit, and I am dissapoointed that Dave, my boyfriend of nearly 2 years cannot come with me and has never met my family or friends from home. It's just alot all at once. I'm sure you all know how it is. I am drinking a cold beer as we speak, absolutely necessary, and I haven't relaxed or had a beer in so long that I am already feeling buzzed!
I am in the middle of working on a degree in Travel Industry Management, and want to focus my future career on a Spa Directing position, or possibly even owning a spa. If I won the lottery, I finally know what I'd do with the money, I'd buy Dave a huge sail boat, and I'd open an amazing Addirondak inspired spa in Vermont, complete with a maple sugar body scrub! That's my dream, at least for the time being.
Right now I am taking the necessary steps towards that dream by completing my degree at the University of Hawaii. In correlation with the degree, I've been working at the Abhasa Spa in Waikiki, located in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel (I encourage you all to visit the website, it's quite impressive). After completing my first year with the spa I was offered a position as a Management Trainee. If you know anything about the travel/service industry, most people are not offered these positions until they have completed college. Some how I managed to end up with one. The Abhasa spa higher managemnt don't know what they hell they are doing, at least that is becoming more and more clear as my time as a managemnt trainee progresses. Put it this way, They have provided me with coutless examples of what NOT to do! Needless to say, this does not exactly have a decressing effect on the level of stress at work.
Well, I can't really go on, the details are difficult to express. I am now goring myself on beer and day-ol pizza and enjoying the hell out of it!
Two days off, four more days of work and IM COMING HOOOOOOME!!!!!!!
(I wonder if the spa will still be standing when I come home.)