Mar 16, 2005 14:52
I've eaten more certs cool mint drops than one should at this point, and I still have 2.5 hours left at work. I'm going to run out, unless I start in on my gum! Good idea.
I'm bored, can you tell? Seriously, I've read and re-read LJ like 30 times today, you people need to post more so I have something else to read!! I'm answer the phones at a mortgage company today, and I'm so bored I want to have conversations with the people calling in that I'm supposed to be transfering. I wish they would tell me jokes or something. Except when they call while I'm trying to write in my journal! Haha. I will never be completely content. This office is freezing cold. I'm sick of living in Hawaii and working in freezing cold offices. Litterally, I get sick from the A/C at these places. It's not healthy.
Other than that, life is treating me well. Dave got off work early, so he'll be picking me up today. I need a dress for the wedding in 3 weeks so we have plans to go dress shopping, he offered to take me! Wow, deffinately a keeper. he also totally surprised me yesterday, showing up at my apartment for dinner, and an arm full of fresh flowers! Maybe it had something to do with the picture I snapped and sent to him while I was getting dressed for work. I think so ;o)
I wish he could be the begining and the end to every day!