Title: With Each Passing Day, Part 2
Author: Christina
Fandom: CSI: NY
Pairing: Mac/Claire
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1200
Summary: Clips from Mac's life from the time he moved to New York and on. Mac and Claire move in and start work.
Chicago seemed dwarfed compared to New York now. Claire stood outside of the busy Manhattan apartment, looking at the
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Comments 7
Thanks! =D I just love writing my Claire in there. *hugs her*
(Granted, I demand to write that scene so that my Claire will be canon!Claire.)
Oh well, just something I noticed. Not sure if you intended it to be this way.
Pretty writing though, great job. as usual! ♥
I'm out of those crazy people who feels kinda offended when people don't realize what I'm trying to do with the characters, and I think you got it spot-on.
My Mac and Claire are more like childhood friends than a couple, really. I've always written them as being cutesy, comforting friends over actual lovers, and that never works out for a long time. Then they realize that the world is a whole lot bigger than Chicago (which isn't quite as big as they thought), and they're just so... well, 'shocked' and 'uprooted' are the best words I can think of, but not quite, that they don't even understand if they should react to each other the exact same.
And Stella ain't helping matters.
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