Another day Little Red Riding Hood...

Jul 29, 2008 15:52

Alternative history of Little Red Riding Hood:: another day...

She was walking in the deep forest...

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And she wanted to have a rest...

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And looked in her basket which things her mother put for grandma...

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And..... ooooopppsss!....

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What hell is this?!...

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Maybe glasses can help to understand what is this for?

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Not.... Let's eat :)

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What a tasty flat cake with sunflower seeds and prunes!

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Yoooooouuughh!!! Wolf back off!!!! Back off i said!!

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I'm a little princess, yeah! :) Grandma will be proud of me, yeap )

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НАСТРОЕНИЕ (emotionalle), ДЕТИ, СКАЗКИ (tales from the crypt), serie:: tany, red

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