Апан Мудра - чистка тела - 15 минут в день

Oct 01, 2015 11:40

приводит к балансу всех энергий - спина прямая,лицом на север или восток .Можно закрыть глаза и созерцать молочный океан и остров на горизонте сверкающий алмазами.
Внимание : это не то , что показывают массоны и асе амер президенты - три пальца зажимаются параллельно друг другу как на фото , за счет чего в кисти образуется давление
на соответствуюшие центры в кисти руки  и её держать 15 минут крайне неудобно ( в отличие от того как это делают клинтон и саркози) и да, ДВЕ РУКИ .

Apan Mudra to Purify Body
The Apan Hasta Mudra is another one of the Yogic Hand Poses, which can be of great help to those aspirants striving for and kind of Satvik Mantra Siddhi. It is no secret that as the human body ages, changes start taking place in the functions of the various organs of the body. The digestion system also undergoes a change and become less effective in performing its basic function of digesting food.
This gives rise to the accumulation of impurities in the stomach and intestines giving rise to stomach disorders, indigestion, gas and constipation among other ailments. This is a hindrance when one is engaged in deep meditation, especially Kundalini Awakening Mediation as the concentration suffers.

The Apan Hasta Mudra or Hand Gestures is effective in reversing the declining Digestive function and restoring balance in the body. It is also known to purify, cleanse and detoxify the body of the accumulated impurities.

The practice of the Apan Mudra is very simple, uncomplicated and easy all that has to be done is to touch the tips of the Anamika[ Ring finger] and Madhyama[Middle finder] to the tip of the Anguta[Thumb finger] as shown in the image given below.

Apan Mudra to Purify Body

This can be done at any time by keeping the spine straight and doing the Apan Mudra for at least 15 minutes. This balances the life force in the body and there is a noticeable change for the better in the digestion process of the body.  The Apan Mudra also stimulated the lower Kundalini Chakras of the human body and benefits the practitioner by making his mind calm, composed, and free from the tensions of basic existence, which are emitted from the lower Kundalini Chakras.



Веды, йога, детокс, методики аюрведы

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