Йога Мантра Патанджали

Sep 15, 2015 07:17

Patanjali Mantra
Sentence 4

« sentence 3 |sentence 5 »combined overview|translation
sahasra shirasam shvetan
pranamami patanjalim ||

सहस्र शिरसं श्वेतं
प्रणमामि पतञ्जलिम् ॥

sahasra śirasaṁ śvetaṁ
praṇamāmi patañjalim ||

having 1000 bright heads,
I bow to Patanjali.

sahasra (सहस्र, sahasra) = 1000
shirasam (शिरसं, śirasaṁ) = (akk. sg.) Head
shvetam (श्वेतं, śvetaṁ) = (akk. sg.) white, bright

pranamami (प्रणमामि, praṇamāmi) = (1. pers. sg.) I bow
patanjalim (पतञ्जलिम्, patañjalim) = (akk. sg.) to Patanjali, the Author of the
Yoga-Sutra. This work is considered to be one of the most important
philosophical basis' of Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga

йога, мантра, санскрит, санатан дхарма

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