Hello. I must say, you are in quite a lot of activities. I was wondering if you would be interested in friending me, but that is totally up to you. I just saw you in one of my friend's journal. Have a good night.
Oh, certainly! I am a complete h0r for friends, dear, and I always love friends of friends. I've seen you around as well and had a lurking desire to friend you. *adds*
And yes, I'm horrible thinly spread. Ah well, I love it. Band and debate nerds competely rule! XD
Trombone, flute, piccolo, piano, and some acoustic guitar. I am a righteous nerd. I just started trombone last December for jazz band, though I've been playing piano for a loooong time.
Like I said, I am a very pathetic nerd. I have uber-pathetic written all over me. I mean, I have like 72 hours of music on my windows media player. That's saaaaad.
*am totally spamming my comments page* *so doesn't care*
Aye! What are your favourite bands? I'm a lover of Indie and jazz... my favourite artists/bands are Bright Eyes, Radiohead, Eisley, the Duhks, Led Zeppelin, and Damien Rice.
I love Damien Rice. I think my favorite genres are really oldies, soft rock like Bonne Raitt, and new age. I love Enya and Secret Garden. Right now my favorite artists are John Mayer, Howie Day, and Norah Jones.
And yes, I'm horrible thinly spread. Ah well, I love it. Band and debate nerds competely rule! XD
Aye! What are your favourite bands? I'm a lover of Indie and jazz... my favourite artists/bands are Bright Eyes, Radiohead, Eisley, the Duhks, Led Zeppelin, and Damien Rice.
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