I win!

Sep 26, 2006 12:08

Just heard from my former NWsource boss that the paper's newsroom picked one of my headlines as the Best Hard-News Headline of August. Check out my awesome hed. Had I stuck with the paper, I would've gotten a free vacation day and a gift card to the tasty cafe down the street. Instead, I left and am getting phat paychecks.

In other career-related news, my almost boss (the guy who wanted to hire me full-time for MSN earlier this summer) now wants to hire me as a v-dash after my 100-day break. Still no budget for FTE, which sucks. And the v-dash gig is going to be only 80-82 hours a month, and it's likely not going to include any insurance options for me, which means I'd have to spend my own dough to buy craptastic insurance. On the upside, they get me for however long they need me, I get a steady (albeit smaller) paycheck, and I get to try freelancing full time. Downside: How will I make mortgage and car payments?! If I can charge a fat enough hourly rate, this might be doable with other freelance stuff on the side. I wonder if I can v-dash part time and a-dash (or maybe v-dash) the other half? Two contracts at once would be interesting, if they allow it.
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