Jul 31, 2011 20:40
Is this thing on? It appears to be, but I'm still running into disappearing pages and other problems. Gotta love DDoS attacks. I was trying to post after President Obama's speech last Monday and found the site down. I wasn't able to post a few other times last week, either, due to various technical glitches. I suppose it's just my luck that the site is buggy right when I've actually been motivated to post.
Things have been going fairly well on a number of fronts, although I'm going to avoid writing too long a post since LJ's status update is still saying longer posts might be problematic. Besides that, I have to get to sleep early. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with an economic development group about getting some funding to start a new company. Wish me luck.
The mess in Washington continues to infuriate me and I've caught myself throwing things at the TV screen even more than usual lately when I watch political programming or the news. I think most of us understood that the Tea Bags that were sent to Congress aren't exactly, well...sane. But I'm not sure I ever imagined that they would throw a temper tantrum over the debt ceiling and risk a default and all sorts of economic chaos in the name of their stubborn petty hatred of the President.
It's very telling that President Obama's speech last week was a well-reasoned presentation of the issues followed by a plea for compromise and the response from Speaker Boner The Great Pumpkin was all about histrionics and a marked lack of any understanding of compromise. The Tea Bag Republicans increasingly remind me of little children throwing hissy fits because they don't want to eat their peas.
And if you looked real close, you could see a Chinese guy in the background measuring drapes when the President was giving his speech. I take that as a bad sign.
tea party,
right-wing loons,
daily life