Do You Want To Believe?

May 02, 2013 22:33

A fascinating exercise has been going on this week: the Citizens Hearing on UFO Disclosure. The event has been live streamed over the Internet, with tomorrow being the last day. The stream can be accessed at

The panel hearing the testimony is composed of former members of Congress and all procedures of an actual Congressional hearing are being followed, including swearing in witnesses before their testimony. The event has been covered extensively by The Huffington Post and the NY Times and other outlets have also sent reporters.

For the record, I have always believed that the government has not been completely forthcoming with the American people about the UFO phenomenon. If you look into it enough, it gets a little hard to believe that all of the sightings can be attributed to swamp gas or hallucinations.

However, I think that the possibility that UFO's are some kind of alien activity is highly unlikely -- such a scenario would violate so much of modern understanding of physics.

Regardless of the outcome, you have to admit this is an intriguing form of activism. I have to wonder if such an event could be adapted to other issues of social and economic justice. The disclosure hearings are definitely getting more media buzz than one would expect.

activism, government, mysteries

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