Good-bye and Good Riddance to Allen West

Nov 20, 2012 15:49

After a two week recount that came down to less than 2,000 votes, Allen West, a Florida Republican who was a Tea Party hero, has conceded his congressional race to 29-year old Democrat Patrick Murphy, who will be the youngest member of Congress. The Congressional Black Caucus, trying very hard (but largely unsuccessfully) to contain their glee, isn't sorry to see Mr. West go.

Among other offenses, Mr. West referred to Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the only practicing Muslim in Congress, as "a communist". Mr. West's learned opinion was that a Muslim should not be in Congress at all. Never mind that the Constitution specifically forbids any religious test for public office. You would think if Tea Partiers revered the Constitution as much as they claim, they might actually read it.

In other news, for those who doubt that the country is becoming more progressive, consider this. In largely bright-red Arizona, an an openly bisexual atheist woman who has received awards from Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club was elected to the 113th Congress. Her district includes traditionally Republican parts of the Phoenix metro area, such as Chandler and Scottsdale. How the hell did that happen?

The 113th Congress will be the most diverse that the American people have ever sent to Washington. I'm very excited for January 3 to get here.

politics, congress

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