A Pretty Penny

Apr 20, 2012 17:16

We all know the sad tale of modern pennies. They cost nearly two cents each to produce, they are such an afterthought that people don't even stop to pick them up off the ground, and the US Mint is thinking seriously about getting rid of them entirely.

But there was a time when the penny was actually worth something. And thanks to Heritage Auctions, we now know that there is at least one penny--one of the first pennies produced by the US Mint--which is still worth something: a cool $1 million.

The 1792 penny isn't the only valuable one out there though. Cointracker.com has compiled a list of the 25 most valuable pennies, the least valuable of which is worth about 20,000 times its value as actual currency. Pennies aside, spending a little time to go through your pocket change could be well worth it, as you may find one of these other valuable coins.

auctions, coins

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