A Brief Thought On This Super Tuesday

Mar 06, 2012 18:07

Mitt Romney is probably the most sane of the current field of candidates for the Republican nomination. Although he is winning, he is having a very difficult time. Quite simply, his party's base doesn't like him and is desperately searching for an alternative. So far, all of the "Not Mitt Romney" alternatives that Republican primary voters have been enamored with have been straight out of the lunatic fringe of American politics: Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and the voters' latest infatuation, Rick Santorum*.

Should we conclude from this that Republican voters have completely lost their minds? You betcha!

Even worse, the difference in the race seems to be Romney's extensive support in the business community. So in the event President Obama loses, we'll have Wall Street to thank for saving us from a Rick Santorum presidency.

Excuse me for a moment, I am feeling that overwhelming urge to repeatedly bang my head against a wall again.

Santorum: (from the Latin) the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex

(With apologies to Dan Savage)

decision 2012, republican party

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