Back to the Ol' 9 to 5 Job Thing

Dec 12, 2011 17:19

For the first time in over four years, I'll no longer be self-employed after this week. Yes, that will probably surprise some people, but I was offered too good of an opportunity to pass up in a bad economy. I've decided to accept an offer from a travel website (not saying which one here, for obvious reasons -- yes, it is one that you all have probably heard of). The company, although corporate, isn't too corporate, if that makes sense, and it isn't in that "too big to fail" category that I despise so much. It should be a nice enough company to work for.

A steady paycheck without the need to scramble for clients for a while will be nice and I'll have some more free time to pursue other interests, particularly with having a set schedule for a change. The schedule is going to be 4 PM to midnight, Monday through Friday, which actually works well for me, since I'm more of a night owl and not one to enjoy jumping out of my warm bed at 7 in the morning to dash into work through the slog of rush hour.

I may or may not catch the entrepreneurial bug again in the future, who knows, but that particular bug is not a good one to pursue in the current economy. For now, and probably for the next few years, I think I'll be content to go the employment route and pursue some more educational opportunities around my work schedule.

employment, daily life

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