To Laurus_nobilis, from Iambickilometer ♥

Dec 11, 2007 11:15

Title: Change of Scene
Author: iambickilometer
Recipient: Laurus_nobilis
Series: xxxHOLiC/Duklyon with Cardcaptor Sakura cameos.
Characters/Pairing: (in order of appearance) Erii, Kentarou, Takeshi, Mokono Modoki (white), Kotobuki, Yuuko, Watanuki, Doumeki, Nokoru, Cerberus, Spinel Sun, mentions of Touya and/or Yukito.
Rating: Family-friendly. G? PG maybe for slight violence.
Author Notes/Warnings: Gen as gen can be...if the writer of gen is me. Mild crackfic warning.

“What is that?” Kentarou demanded, poking the odd pork-bun-shaped…creature on the table. Takeshi winced. Knowing Erii…

“You fool!” With a resounding thwack, Kentarou went flying across the room, landing in a crumpled heap on the floor thanks to the blow of a hammer that had definitely not existed a moment ago. Takeshi had long suspected Erii had all sorts of powers beyond mortal ken. Being an alien probably had a lot to do with it.

However, before Erii could continue in her rage, the pork bun spoke up. “Mokona is Mokona!” it announced in a shrill voice. “Yuuko sent me!”

Kentarou (from across the room) and Takeshi both stared at it in confusion, but Erii and Kotobuki both gasped slightly. “You don’t mean the Space-Time Witch?!” Erii asked in a hushed tone. Kotobuki looked about ready to pass out of what seemed to be shock.

“That’s the one!” the white-Mokona-creature replied, bouncing up and down in apparent glee.

“But why would the Witch send a messenger to us?” Kotobuki asked in a more than slightly reverential tone. “What could she possibly want from us?”

The Mokona smiled delightedly. “To grant you a wish, of course!”


Twenty, thought Takeshi, ashamed by association, as Kentarou opened his mouth again. “So we’re -”


“You’re taking a trip, I told you!” Erii cried after him. Despite her apparent rage, she seemed to be enjoying herself thoroughly. Something in the depths of Takeshi’s soul was yelling at him to go save Kentarou before he sustained lasting damage, but fortunately it was overruled by both his common sense and the vindictive pleasure he got from seeing the other Defender get what was coming to him. Besides, if what the white said was true, it would be perfectly within reason for Kentarou to wish his braincells back - assuming there were any to be lost in the first place. Hell, Takeshi could even wish him a brain.

“But, Erii,” Kotobuki protested, “You haven’t explained where they’re going.”

The madwoman’s expression instantly vanished to be replaced with a look of total adoration. This look had once mentally scarred Takeshi, but he had since toughened and only suffered minor damage to his psyche. As he now knew, even the invincible Erii could be struck down by love.

This didn’t bode well for Takeshi’s future, though. If he did have the misfortune to fall head-over-heels for someone, he hoped it was someone substantially less crazy than the people he currently, associated with.

“Haven’t I?” she asked dreamily. “You’re going back with Mokona to the Dimension Witch’s world, where in exchange for your aid, she will grant a wish.”

This could not be good. “What was your wish?” Kotobuki asked, relieving Takeshi of the duty and, even better, cutting in before Kentarou could object and incur a twenty-first blow. Erii’s expression faded and returned as rather too gleeful.

“It wasn’t my wish,” she said. “I was going to ask for some replacements while you’re gone, but she’s taken care of that for free.” Her eyes glinted evilly, and Takeshi was forced to wonder if perhaps, back when they’d been fighting Kotobuki, he’d chosen to defend the wrong side. Kotobuki was never so sinister.

The Mokona-thing suddenly opened its eyes wide. “Time to go!” it cried shrilly, and leaped into the air. Takeshi watched in astonishment as it opened its mouth wider than its entire body. Before he could express his bewilderment, though, he felt himself being pulled forward…into the thing’s mouth.

“What the -” he began, and then he was gone.


Erii stared at the two boys who’d just been spat from the Mokona. One of them seemed to have just finished panicking, while the other observed with an air of amusement. It was hard to tell, though. His expression was almost non-existent.

“Did the Space-Time Witch send you two?” Kotobuki asked. Erii smiled fondly at him. She loved him more than anything, but she would be the first to admit that he was not perhaps the brightest bulb in the box. And he did have a penchant for stating the obvious. But he was fortunate in that he had her around to help him navigate the complex and puzzling waters of life.

The smaller boy (the one who might have been panicking) looked up in apparent surprise. “You mean Yuuko-san? She didn’t so much send us as surprise-attack us with that boozed-up drinking buddy of hers,” he grumbled. “Spouted something of a change of scene. I don’t need a change of scene! If she wanted to be helpful, she could just end this curse and everything would be fine! But no, she isn’t interested in being helpful…”

Erii turned in disbelief to the other boy. “Is he always like that?” she inquired.

“He’s an idiot,” he replied, nodding.

“WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IDIOT?” yelled the other boy, who apparently could hear over his own voice. Or maybe he could read lips. Erii found that for some inexplicable reason he reminded her slightly of Takeshi. Maybe it was the hair. It was definitely not the glasses. Or maybe it was the explosive reaction to his companion’s comment.

Kotobuki seemed to be uncomfortable, so Erii put off further contemplation for later and began introductions. “My name is Chusonji Erii, and this is my…he’s Sukiyabashi Kotobuki.” She could feel herself blushing, but Kotobuki was bright red so she felt better about herself. “We’re half of the CLAMP School Defenders Duklyon, named for the bakery above us.”

“Duklyon? Like the café?” the boy in glasses asked. “There’s one where we come from.” The other boy shot a glance at him, and the first boy’s expression turned sour. “We’re in a different dimension now, moron,” he snapped in apparent explanation. “Remember? Mokona swallowed us, we went through that creepy not-place and landed here just now. Is your memory really that bad?”

“Hn,” was all the response he received. It occurred to Erii that the second boy was not the most loquacious of people, although that was probably best because the first definitely made up for it.

“What are your names?” Kotobuki asked, probably hoping to stop the argument before it could start. He was really sweet like that, and probably also working from experience with Takeshi and Kentarou. There was one advantage to these two - at least the second boy wasn’t as loud as Kentarou. In fact, he shared very little in common with Kentarou.

Angry Boy, as Erii had mentally categorised him by now, spoke up. “I’m Watanuki Kimihiro,” he declared, “and this idiot is Doumeki Shizuka.” He dramatically swept one hand toward his counterpart.

“Yo,” added Quiet Boy, or rather Doumeki Shizuka. His name fit, Erii mused.

“The Space-Time Witch is borrowing the other half of our defence force,” she informed the two boys. “She also said that she would send replacements, which I assume is you. So until you go back, you are part of the Duklyon Defenders. Any questions?”

“Yes!” Watanuki Kimihiro exclaimed. “What does a Duklyon Defender do?”

“Excellent question,” boomed a voice behind them. The communications screen crackled into life, displaying an image of the General in his customary uniform and glasses. Erii and Kotobuki saluted in unison, while Doumeki bowed and Watanuki expressed his shock more vehemently than Erii had ever witnessed. She considered that perhaps now was Hammer Time, but decided reluctantly that pulling out the hammer would be rude to guests.

“General,” she acknowledged. “These are Doumeki Shizuka and Watanuki Kimihiro, who will be replacing Takeshi and Kentarou for a while. They’ve been sent by the Space-Time Witch.” That last bit seemed important, although the chances that the General would know of her…

“From Yuuko-san?” the General exclaimed.

…were apparently not so slim after all.

“Oh, do give her my regards when you return,” he continued, looking delighted. One never could tell with him, though. It was probably the sunglasses. “A more gracious and beautiful woman I have never met in my life! Excepting your lovely self, Erii-san.”

Watanuki seemed to be shellshocked. But if Erii was correct in her suspicions, he saw Yuuko on a day-to-day basis, and probably knew her far better than the General did. Being in the same world probably also helped.

“Now, allow me to explain your situation,” the General continued.


“That slacker,” Takeshi grumbled to himself, eyeing Kentarou’s grin and feeling the more irritable for it. Had he known then what he knew now about the Space-Time Witch, he would’ve called off the whole mission before it started. And of course she got along with the other Defender like old friends. Takeshi didn’t understand how, but somehow that amounted to him being saddled with the brunt of the unpleasant work, while his counterpart prepared food occasionally and spent the rest of the time drinking what was hopefully only tea with the Witch.

“Now, now, it’s Yuuko!” said Witch cut in over his thoughts. Takeshi froze. Was she psychic or something? “Anyway, you two, I have a little job for you.”

“Another one?” Takeshi muttered, but bowed in acknowledgement. However annoying, he knew the correct way to tread around unpredictable women with power after long exposure to Erii.

“This one will be slightly different,” the Witch - Yuuko-san - told them. “I need you to go fetch me some sickle-moon berries.” The grin on her face reminded Takeshi of a crocodile who had just heard the best joke of its life and knew it was about him. He couldn’t believe that anyone could put up with her on a daily basis. Her normal helper must have either been deranged like Kentarou, or the most patient and easygoing person in the world.

“Moon-sickle berries?” Kentarou asked, shoulders tensing automatically.

“Special berries that only become ripe when the moon is almost at its thinnest,” Yuuko replied without even a hint of pulling out a mallet. “When distilled, they become a powerful remedy to the after-effects of magical draining. A client has requested them.” She waved a hand at them. “What are you waiting for? It’s dark out by now. Off you two go!”

“But you haven’t told us where to find them!” objected Kentarou. Yuuko only grinned wider.

“You’ll know when you see them,” she said. “Now, GO!”

Takeshi had intended to stay exactly where he was, thank you very much, but Kentarou grabbed him around the middle and pulled him along. One important thing Takeshi had learned the hard way was that when Kentarou had you around the middle, all was lost. The guy was far stronger than he deserved to be. It was probably one of those cases of all brawn and no brains.

Kentarou had dragged him out of the shop entirely and a little down the road before Takeshi could properly extract himself. “I thought you didn’t know where we were going?”

“Might as well start somewhere!” replied the former with an altogether too cheerful voice. “We’re bound to find it eventually.” He continued walking in the direction he’d chosen.

“Relying entirely on coincidence?” Takeshi demanded. “Are you mad?”

Kentarou grinned in a very Yuuko-like manner. “Yuuko-san says that there is no such thing as coincidences,” he informed the other. “Only hitsuzen.”

“And if it’s inevitable that we fail?” Takeshi preferred not to contemplate too deeply on hitsuzen. The idea that everything happened for a reason was a bit too sketchy for his tastes.

“Yuuko-san wouldn’t have sent us if we were.”

Apparently Kentarou was willing to believe the Witch more than Takeshi would have dared. This probably spelled disaster for them both. They’d be wandering around a foreign country for hours, looking for something they’d never seen before that they would know only when they saw it - according to Yuuko.

At that moment Takeshi looked up and noticed the Thing looming above Kentarou’s head, leering and apparently about to…

“Get down!” he yelled at Kentarou, who looked quizzically at him.

“What is it, Take-pon?”

Brushing off the nickname in the face of danger, he tackled the other boy to the ground just as the Thing swung a dangerously sharp-looking arm where Kentarou’s head had been. The two landed in a heap a few meters away.

“What was that for?” Kentarou asked, somehow still in good spirits.

“That thing was about to decapitate you!” Takeshi snapped. “Honestly, you can’t keep yourself out of trouble anywhere you go!”

“What thing, Take-pon?”

Takeshi looked behind him. There the Thing was, all looming blackness and sharp arms and long teeth, looking generally dangerous. How could Kentarou not see what was directly in front of him? But before he could answer, it reared as if to strike again.

“Let’s go!” he shouted instead, and pulled Kentarou to his feet before taking off in the direction of Yuuko’s shop.


“We’re here!” announced Watanuki as he and Doumeki descended from the chute into headquarters. Erii checked her watch: it had been a minute and twenty second since she’s sent out the signal. Takeshi and Kentarou would have some higher standards to meet, it would seem. She’d had her doubts at first, but Watanuki was a determined worker and Doumeki was simply incredibly capable.

Not that the combination of the two was any easier to deal with than the two missing Defenders. Erii had needed to restrain herself several times from hitting them on account that they were guests, and once only Kotobuki had kept her from whacking them both.

“Here’s the assignment, Defenders and guests,” the General began, flickering into life on the screen. “We seem to have a problem in the elementary division. Several creatures of great size and ferocity has trapped them all within the building! If you don’t remove it soon, their precious time in the sun will be greatly reduced. I am relying on you, Defenders Dukylon, to uphold the peace!”

Erii stole a glance behind her and received a surprise. Instead of the confusion she’d expected, Watanuki looked resigned. And Doumeki…was that worry on his normally inscrutable face?

But there was no time for analysis, not when there was peace to uphold, a lightning-fast costume change ensued, and then they were off and running to save the day again.

Outside of the elementary building were two large winged creatures, resembling cats at best. One was vaguely orange, while the other was night black. Both were pacing menacingly before the entrance. The assembled Defenders held back a moment, waiting for the battle cry that didn’t come.

Remembering that Kentarou was currently in another dimension, Erii took up the torch. “How dare you impede the daily routine of young children!” she yelled, wondering if Kentarou routinely felt so silly or if she was simply not cut out for his job.

Both cat-things turned around. “Who are you?” the orange one thundered.

“We are the Defenders Duklyon!” Watanuki chimed in. “I said it right, didn’t I?” he asked in a whisper. Kotobuki nodded back in reassurance.

The black one rolled its eyes, which was a strange sight on a cat-thing. “I suppose we’ll have to deal with you, then.” It nudged the other. “Go on then, Cerberus. Give ‘em hell.”

The orange cat-thing sprung forward, but the Defenders and their guests had been anticipating this and leapt into action. Watanuki seemed to be more than a little awkward with Takeshi’s sword, although he managed it well for the scant training he’d received, and Doumeki was a deadshot with the gun. Together, they all descended upon the orange ca-thing. “DUKLYON FINAL CRUSH!” Erii and Kotobuki yelled, Watanuki a beat behind them.

The cat-thing went flying, to land against a high wall. The black one glanced once at the Defenders, who had begun to advance on it, and with an audible sigh took off to where its counterpart lay stunned. The two flew away after a few moments.

“That was it?” Doumeki inquired.

“Did you expect something else?” replied Erii, slightly thrown by the fact that this had apparently been a small feat for him - although she wasn’t particularly surprised.

“He normally ends up in danger,” Doumeki replied, obviously implying Watanuki. The latter, overhearing, predictably took offense.

“I HEARD THAT, YOU CRETIN!” the bespectacled boy screeched launching into a long rant, drawing the curious stares of elementary kids who were now venturing outside. Erii was beginning to miss Takeshi and Kentarou, who weren’t nearly as loud, when both Doumeki and Kotobuki caught her eye and nodded slightly.

With a great sense of justice and vindication, Erii pulled out her ever-handy mallet and swung as hard as she could at Watanuki.’s unsuspecting back. For the second time that day, the far wall was crashed into.


“So you failed to bring me those berries?” Yuuko inquired archly as Kentarou and Takeshi caught their breath. “And you say it was because you were attacked by some…thing. A thing that only Takeshi saw.”

“Was it not real?” Kentarou asked, confusion clear in his voice. For once, Takeshi didn’t wince at the question.

“Look at your left forearm,” Yuuko replied, “and I think you might answer that question yourself.”

They looked.

Kentarou’s left sleeve was ripped and stained dark red around the forearm. Through the rip, a short rough gash could be seen, resembling one caused by getting on the wrong side of an argument with a barbed-wire fence. Takeshi felt his eyes widen.

“Fortunately for you two,” Yuuko continued, “I found some growing in my garden just after you left. Nonetheless, your effort is duly noted. I will grant you your wish. When you return home, you will have new Defender armour, as requested.”

Takeshi definitely didn’t recall requesting that, at least not to Yuuko, but he wasn’t about to complain. If it meant getting out of this crazy world and back home, he didn’t mind at all. “Can we go back, then?” he asked.

Yuuko appeared astonished. “Oh, but Takeshi-kun! You’ve still got the rest of the week!”

He had never missed Erii so much in his life.

series: xxxholic, series: card captor sakura, author: iambickilometer, series: clamp campus duklyon, round one

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