To Rekall, From Sherri ♥

May 11, 2009 23:19

Title: Scenes From A Hospital Room
Author: doumeki
Recipient: rekallthegreat
Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Characters/Pairing: Nadeshiko/Fujitaka, Sakura, Touya, Sonomi
Rating: PG-13 for canonical character death
Author Notes/Warnings: Every scene takes place in the hospital. Considering the location, it's a pretty happy fic, promise. I tried my hardest to pick the character I'd actually be able to do justice to, and... this is what came out. Hope you like it. ♥

Her family isn’t there the day Touya-kun is born. Fujitaka-san offers to leave, but she tells him to stay - she is certain that one day, they can all be together.

She smiles at her husband and he hesitantly smiles back. She can see the lingering doubt in his eyes, so she lifts the sleeping bundle slowly, holding him out to Fujitaka-san.

He’s very small, isn’t he? he asks softly, running a finger over the thin wisps of hair on Touya-kun’s head.

I’m sure he’ll grow to be big and handsome like his father, Nadeshiko replies, full of confidence.

Fujitaka falters. I’m-

She shakes her head. Today is for happy memories, she tells him.

He nods, but she can see that he hasn’t let it go.


Sonomi-chan is the first one in the room as soon as visitors are allowed.

Are you all right? she asks, quickly making her way to Nadeshiko’s side. I can’t believe that he’d-

I’m fine, Sonomi-chan, Nadeshiko interrupts. It isn’t anything serious.

You collapsed, Nadeshiko, Sonomi-chan says assertively. Surely there was some reason. Have you been eating? Getting enough rest?

Nadeshiko laughs. I’m fine, she reassures her cousin. Fujitaka-san makes sure that Touya-kun and I eat. You should come over for dinner; Fujitaka-san is a great cook, unlike me.

There is nothing wrong with your cooking, Sonomi-chan insists.

Ah, a voice from the doorway says quietly. Nadeshiko peeks around Sonomi-chan to see Fujitaka-san and Touya-kun standing just inside the room. I’m sorry, Fujitaka-san says. We’ll come back later, Sonomi-kun. Please continue your visit.

Nadeshiko huffs. Don’t be silly, Fujitaka-san. Sonomi-chan doesn’t mind, do you, Sonomi-chan?

Sonomi-chan looks as though she’s going to disagree, but nods and makes room for Nadeshiko’s family to be at her side.

Touya-kun quickly climbs onto the bed and cuddles into her side. Are you okay, Mama?

Nadeshiko strokes his hair. I’m fine, darling, she tells him quietly.



She hears Sonomi-chan’s voice through a haze, and Fujitaka-san’s hand slips gently from hers.

Sonomi-kun, she hears him say cheerfully. Nadeshiko-san is sleeping, but if you’d like to wait, it would probably make her very happy.

Nadeshiko keeps her eyes closed, trying her best to remember the last time the two of them were in the same room together and had gotten along. Nothing comes to mind.

I’ll wait outside, Sonomi-chan says shortly.

Would you do it as a favor? Fujitaka-san asks. I want to check on Touya-kun. He’s been staring at his sister through the glass for a while now.

What did she name her?

She can’t see it, but she is sure that Fujitaka-san is smiling. Sakura-chan.

Sonomi-chan sighs. That girl, always a romantic.

She did say that she always wanted to name her daughter ‘Sakura-chan,’ Fujitaka-san agrees, chuckling. If you’ll excuse me.

Another hand takes hers, and she opens her eyes and smiles at Sonomi-chan. Thank you.

Sonomi-chan rolls her eyes. I don’t know why you’re thanking me.

Nadeshiko shakes her head and squeezes her cousin’s hand.


It’s been such a long time since all the people she loved were in the same room; she only wishes the circumstances could be different.

Sonomi-chan is holding Grandfather’s hand, and Nadeshiko can see the tears pooling in their eyes. Sakura-chan is curled against Nadeshiko’s side, sleeping peacefully, unaware of everything going on around her.

I’m sorry I won’t be here for you when you need me, she says softly. Sakura-chan whimpers and cuddles closer.

Touya-kun and Fujitaka-san are at her bedside. Touya-kun is sniffling, holding back his tears. She smiles at him weakly and offers him her hand, which he latches onto.

Fujitaka-san leans over and kisses her forehead. She beams up at him. I love you, she says.

Always, he replies.

She is getting tired. She looks around the room and smiles through the lump in her throat. Thank you, she says. Thank you all for taking care of me.

As she closes her eyes, she hears Sonomi-chan’s sobs. She wants to tell her not to worry, that it will be all right, but her voice is suddenly gone, and all she wants to do is sleep.

It’s been such a long year.


Touya-kun is sitting on the hospital bed, letting the doctor stitch up the gash on his arm. She shakes her head and pats him on the arm, waiting for the doctor to finish up and fetch Fujitaka-san.

I’m fine, Mom, Touya-kun says quietly.

I know you are, Nadeshiko replies cheerfully. But it’s a mother’s duty to worry, even if we’re not always around.

Touya-kun rolls his eyes.

I’ll be going now, she tells him, ghosting a kiss on his cheek. Take care of-

Dad and Sakura-chan, Touya-kun says dutifully. I know.

Nadeshiko smiles and disappears. Her children are getting so much bigger - soon, Touya-kun will no longer need her, and her presence only serves to upset Sakura-chan. Fujitaka-san can’t sense her presence at all.

She sighs wistfully, but she isn’t unhappy. She can watch over her family from a distance.

She twirls in the sun and hums softly.

She doesn’t regret a thing.

round 5, author: doumeki, series: card captor sakura

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