To Theemptyheart, From Chaineddove

Mar 05, 2008 14:53

Title: Around the Bend
Author: chaineddove
Recipient: theemptyheart28
Series: Card Captor Sakura
Characters/Pairing: Kaho/Eriol
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: I have no idea if this is anything like what you may have wanted, but I got to thinking about Eriol and this came out. And yes, I know, I have a thing with tea (as my first round entry indicates) and ( Read more... )

author: chaineddove, round two, series: card captor sakura

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Comments 5

eletriarnation March 6 2008, 05:16:24 UTC
*hops over from the link in your journal*

Oh my god, I love this so much. Kaho is so so adorable, and this pairing definitely needs more love in general. (The tea thing is great for them too, I think. ♥)

Good job. Particularly, I like the way you handled the tense a lot--not a lot of people can do a good job in present tense, but you did great. /o/


chaineddove March 6 2008, 15:27:23 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad at least one person read and enjoyed it ♥

I love present tense. I write in it pretty much all the time. It's so much more comfortable for me than past. I'm not really sure why...


uminohikari March 6 2008, 18:07:10 UTC
I'm not particularly fond of Kaho/Eriol, but this was a wonderful look at the pairing, and so beautifully written ♥


chaineddove March 11 2008, 22:10:29 UTC


shiiki August 13 2008, 02:12:27 UTC
(Please forgive the very out-of-the-blue commenting. I only just found this. Ordinarily I would assume it's way too late and forgo commenting, but this is really too good not to leave some form of appreciation.)

I adore your characterisation in this short piece. I love that the dialogue has that mystical quality to it that both Kaho and Eriol (well, when he's channelling Clow Reed) exude. The undertones of destiny and this being a fated meeting fit in perfectly.


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