To Ria-chan, from Halflight ♥

Dec 23, 2007 17:08

Title: Sharing is Caring
Author: halflight007
Recipient: ria_chan
Series: Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicle
Characters/Pairing: Kurogane/Yuui/Fai
Rating: R
Author Notes/Warnings: Implied adult situations, implied bondange, sensuality, crack

Mornings were filled with a lot of firsts for Kurogane; the first thing he sensed was the yellow morning sun through his blindless, curtainless windows.

The first thing he noted was to make sure to tell Fai later to use nylon rope rather than hemp, because his wrists still burned from last night.

The first thing he wondered was why the hell it was so hard to breathe.

One eye reluctantly shed its ineffectual curtains. Ah, well, that explained a lot.

One of the twins had proceeded to drape his midsection all over his chest, arms framing his side in a bend and curl that ended just below his armpits. (He thought it might be Yuui; a quick, soft puff of air confirmed it when he saw the blindfold over the left eye.) The blonde's breath was soft and full against his chest, leaving a little damp-feeling area where he breathed out. He let an arm come up and over the small of the blonde's back; the other gladly traveled down the firm muscles of Yuui's rear. Not a bad way to wake up.

"Mhmm, good morning."

Kurogane's gaze went from the blonde in his arms to the blonde standing in the doorway, tray in hand, wavy mid-length hair loose, amused gaze traveling from Kurogane to Yui and good GOD, those sheets left nothing to the imagination.

"…you stole the topsheets."

"Hmm?" Fai's smile was mischievous as he shifted the tray to one hand and sauntered over, hips rolling and right hand holding the sheet at the top. And maybe he accidentally stepped a little to wide to the left, because suddenly Kurogane got a peek and had to turn his head away so fast he got whiplash. Yuui mumbled and shifted a bit against Kurogane's side, and God knows how much that lessened his libido.

"Phwee, Kuro-ai's so shy!" Fai laughed, and got treated to a glare by Kurogane.

"He's sleeping," was Kurogane's stiff reply, eyes fixed on Fai even as he craned his neck and kissed the crown of Yuui's head.

"Well get out from under there, I brought a treat for us."

Well, if he'd learned nothing else from Yuui it was that it was useless to argue with a Flowright. So with a last kiss he tightened his grip on Yuui's body and rolled them both on to their sides, movements careful and deliberate. One would have probably sensed the words he'd die before he said; I'm so sorry, baby, just let me deal with this and I'll be back in a minute. And then the comforter was gently tucked around Yuui and he shuffled up on the bed.

"All right, now what is thimmmgh."

Fai's only reaction was to smirk and slide the plastic spoon out of Kurogane's mouth. "Cherry," he said smugly after a quick sideways glance at the red ice in the bowl.

"WHAT TH-what the hell?!?!" Kurogane's voice dropped to a whisper as soon as he'd swallowed the treat and realized that Yuui was still fast asleep.

"Gift from Ashura-papa," Fai answered, dipping his own spoon into the blue and bringing it to his lips. "Remember that machine he sent to us last Christmas? The one you would have thrown out if not for the valiant rescue efforts of Yuui and I?"

He'd have to make a mental note that Fai's tongue plus one more equaled poor memory loss. "…Well, um. I-I remember…."

"Yeah, we thought you did. Yuui and I snuck out of the bed when you were sleeping-" here he dipped his tongue into the shallow of the spoon and lapped up the rest of the ice-"and salfhaged th' p'r thi'g," he said, and his breath melted and turned soft the shaved ice, and he had to use one delicate-boned finger to wipe away the blue liquid, examine it and suck it back in, kittenish pink tongue swiping at the slush before enveloping it with his lips.

Kurogane shifted a little, something like a purr unconsciously coming from his throat. Mmm, yes, definitely not a sight for high-libido morning people.

"You have some too, Kuro-rin!" Fai chirped, and before Kurogane could protest the blonde had picked up the cup and a spoon and was extending his arm towards him. Kurogane had just started to reach for it when he realized that it was slipping through his fingers, down down down-

"Fai, watch o-"


"HOLY fu-" the black-haired man began, and groped blindly for a towel, when a single white hand pushed him back and a set of blue eyes glinted up at him.

"How silly of me! I'm sorry, Kuro-chi, just let me get that for you."

Kurogane tried to curse, but found the added cold spreading through his skin a very effective distraction. So he could do nothing else except hiss at the man and squeeze his eyes shut as Fai set to work wiping Kurogane down with a paper napkin, looking forward to the feeling of dry and warmth so that he could chase the little bastard around the room and show him just who was-

…Wait, why did he still feel cold? And…wet….

Oh FUCK no.

The first thing Kurogane saw when he opened his eyes was a pale lithe male, looking all for the world like a ten-week-old wagging his tail after peeing on the carpet. The second thing he saw was something on his body…wet and cold and dripping and melting and…



"What…is this?" The twitch he had so lovingly tried to nurse away was coming back.

"The paper napkin broke up."

"Well then get a towel, shithead!"

"…Hmm…should I?" Oh just wonderful. THAT smile bode no good.

"It's not very often I have Kuro-sama all to myself…so…maybe I should make the most of it…?"

"Fai, I am giving you until the fuckin' count of three to-nkh!"

Words were lost as Fai descended lazily on his left nipple and licked it slowly, then suckled it gently. Kurogane's resistance withered and died on the winds of a hiss and a subtle arch into that warm, wet mouth, only to half-heartedly come back in the form of a glare when Fai retreated and simply grinned.

"There are other parts of you that need…ah…wiping off, Kuro-min."

"You little basssssgaha."

And then Fai had drawn a trail over to the other nipple, bestowing a small kiss on it before going down, down, down. Fai knew this body, apparently, just as well as Yuui did; knew that the deepest part of the dip between his biceps could have him gripping the sheets with white-knuckled, mindless pleasure; knew the ticklish parts just above his hipbone where he had to hide an involuntary chuckle with a gasp and jolt of his pelvis if you nipped juuuuust right; knew the plains of his abdomen and traced over them slowly, worshipfully, like a traveler on the paths of Mecca.

He knew just how to get Kurogane roused, and by god the kendo instructor had no idea whether to love or hate him for this.

"Mmmm…well, that's all there is of the slushy," Fai giggled, full lips mouthing against the tense, tan flesh, and was lifting his head when Kurogane growled at him, narrowing his red, red eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Fai giggled and dropped a kiss into Kurogane's bellybutton. "Well, I was going to be on my way to make myself another icee, as tending to you has left it in quite a sad position," Fai explained, pointing to the rather half-hearted mound of more-liquid-than-slush. His eyes narrowed, though, and for a moment he looked for all the world like the mortal incarnation of Hermes as he hooked his long fingers loosely over the edge of the comforter. "Mmm…but something more pressing seems to have come up…."

Kurogane's chuckle was halfhearted in the breathlessness he was feeling, the way his pulse was quickening as Fai anchored his fingers and began pulling down-

"…Fai...? Kuro-rin? What are you…!"

Kurogane and Fai froze.

Yuui had woken up at some point between Point A and Point B and was now sitting up, eyes wide, lower lip trembling as his nostrils flared.

"How…how could you….?"

"Ahaha, Y-Yuui, let me-"

And then Yuui's patience snapped.

"You were going to get a Kuro-gasm to yourself, weren't you!"

"Well, yes, but Yuui, you were aslee-"


"Well you didn't see ME complaining when I woke up to find you SNUGGLING KURO-MIN ALL TO YOURSELF!"

"Uh…" said man ventured, and was promptly steamrollered underneath the glares of the two blondes.

"Yuui, it was only once, please-"

"Ashura-papa told us that sharing is caring, Fai! You didn't share with me SO YOU DON'T CARE!!!!"


But it was too late; the shorter-haired blonde had jumped off the bed, ran around the edge butt naked, then slammed the door to the bathroom. Cue melodramatic sobbing and the scene was complete.

"Ah…aha," Fai laughed halfheartedly. "…seems that Yuui has trouble sharing his toys sometimes…"

The whole incident (along with the added fanservice of a running, weepy Yuui) had promptly broken Kurogane's brain, rendering him unable to respond. Fai took this as an excuse to continue.

"Truth be told, I didn't expect this to turn up when he brought you to me all those months ago," Fai sighed, draping himself over Kurogane like a bear rug. "He KNOWS I love him…and he's never had problems with his other boyfriends."

That seemed to get Kurogane's attention. "Wh-wha-OTHER-"

"What, you think you're the only one we've ever pleasured in our bed?" Fai said, smiling down at Kurogane's bemused expression, then laughed and affectionately nuzzled the other. "Don't worry, though-you're the only one we've shared more than our bodies with-and, come to think of it, the only one Yuui's ever acted this way with."

Kurogane felt the color rising to his cheeks. "F…Fai….I…"

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. The exaggerated moans and sobs of a drama queen with a temporarily broken heart.

Kurogane's brain promptly broke again. "…W…was that a…."

"Oh, dear," Fai sighed. "I didn't think he was upset enough to bring out Ahiru-tama. Well…better go comfort him."

But instead they stayed that way a second longer, as Fai kissed his ear and then licked it. "I enjoyed our morning together."

And before Kurogane could do anything Fai was off the bed, flouncing with that cute little ass he shared with his brother over to the bathroom door. Fortunately, Kurogane found distraction in the tracing paper-thin topsheet that Fai had left.

From the bathroom came a crooning noise, like a parent would speak to an upset or shy child. "Yuu-i…."

"Go 'way!"

"Yuui, come here."

"NO! Stay back, I'm warning you."

"Yuui." This time with a tone of affection as Kurogane drew close to the door frame.

"I'm serious! I HAS A DUCKY!"

Kurogane arrived in time to watch Yuui thrust "Ahiru-tama" at Fai and squeak it once, twice, a dead-serious look cemented on his face. Fai just watched on for a minute before covering his mouth, trying to stifle the gigglesnorts that were coming out.

"Squeak. Squeak."

"Yuui," Fai said again, and Kurogane watched him step into the tub, take Yuui's hand in both of his. The left removed the rubber duck deftly from his hand and placed it aside, then returned to lace itself through the captive hand. Fai moved, and Yuui's legs parted like the Red Sea and let his brother in.

"…It hurt," he pouted cutely.

Fai just smirked and leaned in, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice a low, breathy chuckle.


Fai grazed Yuui's lips with his own, and though the twin did not add to the kiss he permitted the quick, chaste joining. "Yuu-i~."

Fai let his mouth move across the slender jaw, envelop an ear, travel in quick, wet, sloppy kisses down the neck. Yuui was still looking away, though his face was flushed slightly and his pants were airy, whimpery things.

Kurogane was only aware that he was there at all again when Yuui's blue eyes locked with his and suddenly he was aware of just how much he hated his morning libido.

"T-together," Yuui whimpered.


"Three of us…together," Fai panted, and extended a hand to Kurogane.

"Does this mean we're forgiven?" Fai asked in a low voice, and was rewarded with a halfhearted thump on the shoulder. But he only laughed, and extended a hand to Kurogane along with his brother.

Kurogane let the topsheet whisper to the floor and strode to the two as though hypnotized. He took Fai's hand…and then Yuui's. Best to let the affection grow and swell between them, as he was drawn into the basin and their arms both enveloped him.

And later, the three of them exhausted and feeling really fucking good, would only conclude that Ashura-papa was, indeed, right all along.

series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles, author: halflight007, round one

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