Dropping off a new batch of Roswell goodies for
icon_alphabet. Two down, one to go. I'm not entirely sure I'm cut out to icon according to guidelines, though - I kept getting sidetracked (as you'll probably be able to guess from the extra alien squares littering this post).
B is for Buddha Boy
C is for Cry Your Name ("Cry Ophelia")
D is for Destiny
E is for End of the World
J is for Journal
K is for Khivar ("Killing Me Softly")
Q is for Queen
S is for Secrets
W is for White Room ("White Out")
And as for the extras... Four more from the show, and three from the UK Lost promo. I know it's been done, over and over and over again, but... it's so damn gorgeous!
Which means, of course, that I'm not finished with it by a long shot.
Comment if taking, credit
dimensicons if using.