recs rECs RECS

Feb 21, 2012 01:20

So, once more I fail whole-heartedly at being active in SPN fandom, because that's how I roll. INSTEAD! Instead I have fallen again (this happens for a few months every year since the movie came out) into the Losers fandom, and have been gobbling up fic like a mad-woman, while reawakening my soul-deadening crush on Òscar Jaenada (ILHIMMMMMMMMMMMMM and his face and his arms and his hair andhisprofileandhiseyebrowsandhishipsandchestandeverything). EEK.

.... what was I saying? OH FIC, THAT'S RIGHT.

Of course, it's Losers fic, and if you're in that fandom even a bit, you've read these (but this is also my way of keeping track of my fav.s to reread):

First primers, because pictures are fun. Also, this makes me long for the comics. I WANT THEM ALL NOW, KTHANX. From catwalksalone an epic Losers primer.

Actual fic (all are Cougar/Jensen, unless otherwise noted):
Quis Custodiet Who Gives a Rat's Ass? by catwalksalone.

the dashboard melted (but we still had the radio) by storm_petrel

We Know How It Works (The World is No Longer Mysterious) by pistolbunny.
This is a two part fic, fyi. I've linked to the second half on AO3, so the first part's not hard to find ;D
(I have reread this fic like ... every single day since I found it. I love it sooooooooooooo)
A Cry For Help

The Rabbit Test by katemonkey. Genderswap, pregnancy fic.
Need. D/s themes.

Cougar Says Very Little by giglet (AO3). Gen-ish. Nice character study.

In the Ache of Her Reply by lady_krysis. Cougar/Aisha. D/s, pain play.
from sun to shade.
For Many Sorrows. Clay/Cougar.

Got you to the bone by maharetr. Consensual BDSM, pain play.

Lost in Translation by freneticfloetry, because I, too, have a language kink, oh my jeebus, yes.

Grace by niqaeli. Aisha, Jolene. Stark and rich, a simple conversation. <3 <3

Untitled fill. Cougar/OMC (non con); Cougar/Jensen. Painful, but the subject matter is dealt with beautifully, and all characters stay true to themselves.

Funny Little Feeling by JoeLawson. Were!fic.

In Which Cougar Always Looks by resonant.

Vaya Con Dios by rabid_x. Jensen, Aisha, Pooch. Revenge!fic, post comic so MAJOR CHARACTER DEATHS.

Art wise:

There's more, and I'll come back and add as I recall/discover them, :D \o/

On a side note, I think, in this fandom, I may be the odd one out, in that I am not crushing hard on Jake Jensen (Chris Evan's character). I don't not like him, but I don't find him fascinating in any way. Which is sad, because most of the fic centers on him, and I'm left in the corner going, "Coooougarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," and wanting to read epic gen/slash/het/WHATEVER fic exploring this character so much more, and I don't think I'm actually going to get it.

This has led, ladies and gents, to an unbearable amount of Cougar-related fic images (mostly ridiculous, indulgent angsty, hurty fic images, let's be honest, this is me we're talking about) in my braiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, clawing to get out and corrupt my computer's hard drive. Also, the refrain of "you can't complain if you don't put any effort in yourself," is also making its rounds in there, as well; ahahaha, do you SEE WHERE I AM GOING WITH THIS? I can't write SPN, because The Losers is cockblocking my writing ability, and I am refusing to write Losers fic, because I will suck donkey balls at it, trufax.


cougar, losers, rec

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