sparklely. sparkly. sparkley. I should google that, probably.

Aug 03, 2010 02:51

So, I have recently discovered that SPN has some really kick ass soundtracks - I've been dl'ing a few and am loving it, aha C:

Also, I promised myself no more signing until I've got my summer_sam_love fics done (gotta start 'em soon, god knows). BUT ONCE THAT'S DONE AND MY SLASH BB IS DONE? I'm thinking about the girlsofspn's exchange. I think it'd be kind of amazingly awesome, myself, since I have a soft spot for Ellen, Ruby (s3 only, though, yay katie), Pam and Jo. In that order.

I've done het a few times, so that's fine, but maybe trying a femmeslash piece? That would be interesting and a lot of fun, I think >:DDDDDDD But that's only if all my other stuff comes along as planned (and I've got til September 1st before the signups close, so *waves*)

I'm just kind of pointlessly babbling while my downloads finish, so :P I was going through my WIPs, and I realized that I have a lot of free-roaming plot bunnies (reading Dark Blue? It's been so long, my little fandom!), and I really should organize my writing and beta folders better. It might come in handy.

eta: for those who want to partake in the glory that is fanmixes, ldyghst_music is a great community (they tag by spn character, pairing, and genre, ahaha LOVE IT), and familiardevil has some awesome mixes at her journal, too!

eta II: aha, RU's Learning Center Director contacted me about my resume. INTERVIEW TIME, FTW!

spn, pointless

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