*not to do with anything: LJ ADS SUCK DONKEYBALLS*
So my original BB artist had to drop my fic, and I was assigned a new one: the magnificient
lightthesparks. And, guys, I got to see my art for dance while the sky crashes down.
It is beautiful and perfect and everything I could want for my fic (banners for each subtitled section, posters, ICONS!). It's great, and I'm rolling in all the lovely artwork.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Is it bad that the primary reason I did BB was to get artwork? 'Cause it kind of was. I mean, I had a story I thought could work and then I went "PRETTY PRETTY PICTURES, I WANT THEM" the end.
So, yeah. This post. Just pure squee. >:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD