
May 02, 2010 15:15

So, I've printed out most of my BB fic, and I've started looking it over.  The page margins, much to my unsurprise, look something like....REWRITE, ? ? ?, DETAIL, WHAT?, MORE BLOOD/GORE, and then there's a whole lot of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

Sweet jeznik, this will never end, will it?  I mean, THE PLOTHOLES, okay?  They are massive and terrifying all by themselves, and then on top of that - well, today I noticed my oldest fert, Pixie, has a really yellow canine.  WHAT?  They eat raw, they eat bone, for chrissakes.  And then she got a fluffball toy impaled on one of her claws.  So, yeah, we had to go at it with scissors and nail clippers.

Poor, poor baby.  But what is going on?

It's just been one of those BLAH days again,  I guess.

(and for anyone who cares, the fert pictured is Sian, the baby.  I don't have any icons of Pixie or Yogi.  Sadly).

oops, sorry! lj-cut fail!  damn you, rich text :C


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