AHAHAHAHHAHA - I feel very accomplished. I mean, I've hit the halfway mark for my 6K word fic [and, okay, I get that that might not be a lot but for me it totally is]. So, yeah, I rock. Also, it's weird the way I'm writing it - primarily through snippets written in emails to myself. Because I've found that staring at the damn blinking cursor in Word is terrifying, and I usually just close out of the damn doc before I even write. So, for the past two days, I've been scribbling shit in between attacks of RL, not paying attention to grammar or punctuation [I LOVE COMMAS. I DO] or capitalization.
It works, because when I copy and paste it into Word and spend half an hour correcting the text, I'm already seeing more scenes. Because I have the attention span of a gnat. The only downside. It's a bunch of scenes. It's connected in the sense that you can tell it'll be one fic when, you know, it's all tied together and transitioned and actually gets into the damned prompt. But, you know.
taylor_serenil might be evil. Just saying. She may have evilly hinted that she wanted me to write another DB/SPN fic. I might have said yes. I am weak like that. But, we'll see what my spastic brain comes up with in the meantime.
Speaking of Supernatural - I didn't write a recap for the last episode. Well, okay, I did . But through a combination of LAPTOP O'DOOM and LJ, it got erased just as I was about to post it. I cried. I screamed. I yelled. I might have ripped out wads of my hair [just sayin']. Then, I said fuck it and shut down my computer.
Maybe next time.
p.s. that white collar fic I was trying to write? idling on my harddrive at one paragraph. damn thing's never going to get written. *shrugs*
p.s. the second BANDOM? ILU. GAH.