Not what you were expecting, huh? But, but: SNAKES! In my house! This is the 3rd one. Yikes. Currently, he's hiding, so I can't, you know, get him out of my house! But, he has to come out sometime. But right now, I am paranoid as fuck. Okay. The end. Now:
5.03 - Free To Be You & Me
Basically, I came away going SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE--I'm sure I've deafened a few dolphins. But, ohmygod, I LOVE MY SHOW. LIKE BURNING.
Now, I guess here's my attempt to be semi-coherent:
The intro: how good was that for my Sam!girl heart? The desire, the fear, the woobieness? Perfect. And Jess. How awesome was she? Just all like "give up Sam. You killed me," and so sweetly and innocently. I spent that whole scene giddy and vibrating with glee [because I love Sam like whoa, so this automatically means that I have an overwhelming desire to see him in pain of any sort. This might mean I'm evil. I don't know].
Then, one week earlier: it's all a bunch of parallelism. Brothers are brothers and in sync even when separated. Dean is being Dean. Sam is being..."Keith," apparently. OH BOYS.
Also, I love Castiel. He is made of awesome. And, okay, writers: we get the Dean/Cas vibes. We do. Have actually done so since you, you know, introduced the stone-faced angel. You don't have to continue beating us over the heads with it. Please to be stopping, now. kthnx.
"THE LAST TIME YOU ZAPPED ME SOMEWHERE, I DIDN'T POOP FOR A WEEK" okay, how is that not the best line ever. Poop references FTW! [and I'm apparently 5 years old, but].
I'll admit, I didn't really like Lyndsey at first. Her lines just seemed out of place, there for a bit, and she was just blah [to me]. Anyway.
Hunters at Sam's bar. And stuff! I remember Steve and Reggie, but I can't remember the name of the guy that did most of the talking! I fail! But I knew even then that this whole she-bang was going to blow up in Sam's face because it always does. And it does, with the obligatory, girl-coercion tactic, as well. And the blood, and "HULK" references and Sam spitting the blood out and VIOLENCE [I know this is out of the timeline, but I can't remember where this scene falls, exactly, so I stuck it here].
Bobby's "the best hunter I know," speech. I LOVE YOU, BOBBY. NEVER CHANGE.
And, I'm skipping around here again, re: i fail, but Cas + the brothel + gene the mail man = I ALMOST PEED MYSELF LAUGHING. Also, before that, I just loved the look on Cas's face. Priceless.
And alright, Dean. We get it. Sam's a drag who sucks donkey balls. I'm sorry, but I'm actually learning to mute Dean's dialogue in my head because it's getting rather repetitive, at least in this epi.
Skip, skip, skip.
Raphael! Lucifer bringing Cas back? Probably a lie, 'cause apparently demons and angels like to lie, but I shrieked and was all like "PLEASE BE SO" because that was my first thought and I want to be right at least ONCE before this season is over. Cas's "you're my little bitch, now." I am so proud of you, Cas!
Dean's "missing father" speech. Sweet. Is it just me or is Dean more into chick flick moments this go 'round? Also, I don't like seeing Cas in the Impala [I think we've established that I am just that shallow].
And, okay, this is the biggest thing for me: Sam + Lucifer = yay! Oh, my god. I love this. I do. Did any one else think: Sam kissed the devil after Jess morphed into Nick-Lucifer? 'Cause I did! And I was happy. Then, my next thought was: Lucifer would so seduce Sam! And a thousand fics were spawned in my head. I'm not even joking. Just--that whole exchange was awesome. Oh! And I was right, so there, I've got my at least once [and, no, I don't care if it was obvious]! Lucifer's vessel! I knew it! I got weird looks from everyone when I shouted "YES! PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!" at the screen. Because, I really would love to see it. I don't even care about the jacked up Dean/Sam dynamic if I get to see Sam as Lucifer, at this point.
But, okay, back to the scene: Sam so horrified and sad (and tempted? maybe? possibly?) and Lucifer all "I'll just bring you back" and "you will say yes" and I would probably crumble so fast if I were in Sam's place. And I'd be happy about it. Supernatural, you are taking my head to weird, weird places. Thank you.
So, my thoughts? SHOW, you are the best. ILU, me