I have nothing against Bedwas, a small town near Caerphilly. Its fairly easy to get to by train and bus- during working hours at least- and not too far from home. For some of my members, having been told they are relocating from offices in central Cardiff to Bedwas next summer, the reactions have included:
- Only eight months notice?
- Send someone else up there- its their problem, don’t make it mine....
- Even though I travel to work in a 4x4, www.traveline-cymru.org says it takes 1 hour 30 minutes to get to with 4 changes on public transport, therefore its unreasonable for me to move, even though it’ll be a shorter journey time by car.
- Even though I travel to work in a 4x4, it goes against our employers green agenda for me to have a longer commute, even though for travel time purposes, I’m claiming I’m switching to public transport.
- Show me more money for the move. Now.
- I have caring commitments. (Fair enough, but in all seriousness I have heard the phrase “I never knew colleagues had so many disabled children”)
- “This isn’t fair”.
- Add to this mix, one of the more barking mad left wingers on my union committee (you know the type, they love causes, but actual people....) has been in attack dog mode. By sheer coincidence, his wife is one of the 90 staff being relocated. So while he’s attack my integrity (again), he’s trying to get union policy changed primary to benefit his wife.
- Irony or hypocrisy?
- You decide.
Meanwhile the economy is tanking, hundreds of jobs are being lost each week in Wales, and I have people whining about having to move office next summer, and having any extra travel costs met for the next few years.