
May 07, 2007 12:51

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Web development “babes”, my experience of dating scripting languages

Having scripted web devlopment languages for 8 years now, I have had some good programming times, some great programming times and some scary programming times. I thought I’d share some of my “dating and relationships” experiences in scripting each of these “babes”.


She was the first to arrive at the party, and is still there (probably). She is brainy and she knows it. Tricky to get a handle on but rewarding, certainly back then I was admired by everyone for dating her. She lives in the Regex neighbourhood, which is very complicated, but once you know it well its great for shortcuts to anywhere.

Ultimately though she didn’t really fit in with my family and friends, and pretty much wanted to live on the Server. Though she has kept in touch and keeps popping back, our time together has passed.


As the highschool cheerleader and homecoming queen, ASP ALWAYS got the boys! I see pictures of her today and she still has that perfect smile, and to die for body.

Though I remember how beneath that smile when she crashed boy, things got pretty ugly. Despite the appearance of her usual and extra functions, in private she had one hell of a temper.

I think I prefer her younger cousin C#. She looks a hottie! If I was single I’d definately make a move on her: probably a traditional date like TGI’s then a movie. That’ll impress the all new American girl.


I met Coldfusion via a colleague at a First Tuesday event in the dotcom heydays. She was oozing sexuality and flirted with all the men in the room. Everyone wanted to use her services.

I only dated Coldfusion on one project. And she had all these inbuilt functions that seemed really easy to use, but I don’t know, we just didn’t click maybe it was proprietory thing?

Anyway, I think she married some rich banker, whos company then got bought out by a bigger company. And they now are retiring young in some swiss village in their new Adobe. Good luck to her.


I love’d you back then when you were the girl next door, and still do today. At first I didn’t understand when you were broken, you’d throw up all non-sensical error messages. But then the way that you fit comfortably into a page, and the way that I can write entire applications in one sitting, makes you so comfortable, natural, and my perfect partner.

Over the years I’ve seen you grow with better OOP & XML, really, our relationship just grows from strength to strength. When I started to dream my thoughts through you was when I realised, PHP, I love you.


At that Techno gig we danced all night you with your micro-pvc skirt and crazy hair. We had fun amongst the widgets, mini-scripts, and GUI helper apps. You talked at 100 miles an hour, and seemed to throw exceptions with more vigour than anyone else.

You are far to hectic for me though!

…Ajax now dates my junior (but more gifted) programmer, they get along fine they talk the same language, and I am happy for them both. Honest.


During university JSP was the always doing big things, like setting up the college radio station and meeting up with IBM & Sun and loads of things.

Loads of people got you wrong and thought you were just for scrolling news applets. Idiots!

I really liked you, I liked the way you wern’t phased by hype, and just got on with your solid plans for the future, but I don’t think our plans were the same. You were fixed on getting business with banks and industry, I preferred the whole website industry instead. You are a real lady now, and really successful.


You looked so tempting, flitting your way accross the room in the coolest club in town.. Everybody was saying “Who is she?” when they saw your young red full lips, your Model-view-controller methods and easy-build effortless gaze.

We dated twice, and we snogged, though I thought your snog was like something out the movies, or it felt like you were just copying scenes that you’d seen in the movies. Are you a future Stepford wife?

Am sure our paths’ll cross again in the near future, we shall see!

Источник: http://www.spendamillion.com/blog/?p=35


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