(no subject)

Jun 12, 2024 09:42

... не удаётся уснуть - из-за жары - предстоящего выходного - перелёта - ночного клекота чаек и писка птенцов - дочитанной книги Элиф Шафак The Bastard of Istanbul

... главная героиня - Ами/ Армануш - армянка по отцу, американка по матери, живущая в Аризоне - с матерью, и в Сан Франциско - с армянскими родственниками отца - приезжает в Стамбул - останавливается в семье родственников своего отчима - турка - он окажется внуком её армянской бабушки, которого она родила в первом браке - от турка, укрывшего её и женившегося на ней в 1915 г. - но Ами так об этом и не узнает

... мать стала встречаться с турком после развода с отцом Армануш, чтобы позлить армянских родственников мужа - а потом они поженились

... Ами приезжает в Стамбул тайком ото всех - в поисках идентичности

"I came to Istanbul - объясняет Армануш - because I thought if I made a journey on my own into my grandmother's city, I could better understand my family heritage and where I stood in life. I guess I wanted to meet Turks to better absorb what it means to be an Armenian. This whole trip was an attempt to connect with my grandma's past. I was going to tell her that we looked for her house ... "

... неожиданности - с первого ужина - в турецкой семье в Стамбуле едят то же, что и в армянской в Сан Франциско

"Armanoush then looked at the dishes on the table with growing interest. "What a gorgeous table." She beamed. "These are all my favorite foods. I see you have made hummus, baba ghanoush, yalanci sarma ... and look at this, you have baked churek!" "Aaaah, do you speak Turkish?!" Auntie Banu exclaimed, flabbergasted as she walked back in with a steaming pot in her hands and Sultan the Fifth still tailing her. Armanoush shook her head, half-amused, half-solemn, as if feeling sorry to let down so much anticipation. "No, no. I do not speak the Turkish language, unfortunately, but I guess I speak the Turkish cuisine.

When the soup was eaten and the starters nibbled, Grandma Gulsum and Auntie Feride made a visit to the kitchen and returned carrying a huge tray each, perfectly synchronized in an Egyptian walk. They put the plates they had shouldered onto the table. "You have pilaf," Armanoush smiled and leaned forward inspecting the dishes. "There is tursu and ..." "Wow!" the aunts exclaimed in unison, impressed by their guest's command of Turkish cuisine. Armanoush suddenly spotted the last pot brought to the table. "Oh, I wish my grandma could see this, now this is a treat, kaburga...."

"Wow!" echoed the chorus. Even Asya perked up with a dash of interest. "Turkish restaurant many in America?" Auntie Cevriye asked. "Actually, I happen to know this food because it is also part of the Armenian cuisine," Armanoush replied slowly. Being presented to the family as Mustafa's stepdaughter Amy, an American girl from San Francisco, she had initially planned to gradually reveal the secret about the remaining part of her identity, after having built up some degree of mutual trust. But here she was, galloping full speed directly into the nub of the matter. Now lapsing into a taut yet equally self-confident mood, Armanoush straightened her back and looked from one end of the table to the other to see how everyone was reacting. The blank expressions she encountered on their faces urged her to explain herself better. "I am Armenian ... well, Armenian American."

... неожиданностью становится то, что в повседневности отчуждение между армянами и турками отсутствует - бойфренд младшей - из четырёх - сестер, живущих в старом стамбульском конаке - армянин, родившийся и всю жизнь проживший в Стамбуле

... у романа хорошая фабула, но отвращающий от чтения сюжет - и, кажется, сюжет побеждает - оставляет ощущение липких рук, липкого тела - грязной кожи

... и от этого ещё труднее уснуть

книги, 2024_3, кулинария, Армения, Стамбул, Турция

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