Плевать на смерть - не самый лучший, но мой самый любимый фильм Дени -
http://sensesofcinema.com/2012/cteq/no-fear-no-die/ - интересно о брессоновских корнях фильма
Я не могу уснуть -
http://sensesofcinema.com/2012/cteq/gestures-of-intimacy-claire-denis-i-cant-sleep/ - ... "No doubt those who are familiar with Claire Denis’ work will be well aware of how her films are invested in and expressive of the material connections that unite and divide bodies in the world. Similarly, in her privileging of the sensuous relationship that can occur between spectator and screen, Denis is a director known for eschewing dialogue, character psychology and narrative causality, preferring instead to craft detailed “worlds of sense” that function as highly charged repositories of meaning in their own right ."
Белый материал -
http://sensesofcinema.com/2012/cteq/white-material/ - разбор значения звука в фильме
35 шотов рома -
http://sensesofcinema.com/2012/cteq/electra-revisited-on-claire-denis-35-rhums/ - ... загадка фильма так и остается неразгаданной - ... видимо до тех пор, пока кто-нибудь не повторит "подвиг" Алекса Дека - эти самые 35 шотов - ...
The Intruder -