Apr 23, 2005 14:20
so yeah friday was good i did some things didn't riun anything like my car or a school or anything... hung out with manboi, saw larry and talked to him about all the cool stuff he bought and the painting he's doing, then as we drove out of the drive in we made eye contact with kevin
then i went to dance. after i picked up manboi went to eat then to shop
it was fun
don't change the channel yet it's just getting good
so i went home and went to bed
1:00am i hear blaaaaahhh kera puking up her food!
so i stripped her bed and her gave her a shower then sent her back to bed..
2:00am same freaking thing
4:00am all the same
didn't get much sleep
6:00am she did it again but surprise someone else was awake to hear it
so becky was like omg she's puking and yelled up to my mom KERA'S PUKING
i was like duh she's been doing it all freaking night
well then i took a shower and got dressed and went to the HS. when i got back my mom was gone to work and guess who's stuck with puke fest 05 oh yeah me.
well now i finally got her to take a nap but i'm sure she'll wake up soon so