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Apr 23, 2009 20:38

Title: Quite Absurd
Fandom: Death Note
Rating: PG
Characters: Mikami Teru, mentions of Kira and Edward Cullen.
Warnings: Twilight bashing.
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: A drabble for my darling Harley on her birthday! I hope you like it. Clearly, you know where I got the inspiration. XD;

He thought it was quite absurd.

In his opinion, the ashen skin was appalling, the “topaz” eyes were unrealistic, and the skin of granite that was cold as ice?-impossible. But worldwide, he was a phenomenon; women were infatuated with this fictitious bloodsucker who sparkled in the sun, whose skin was “the skin of a killer.”

He wondered if the latter was an oblique reference to Kira; he did not like how fiction was perverting what he believed to be justice-incarnate.

And as such, Mikami Teru found himself writing down the name Edward Cullen in flawless script into his Death Note.

general: novels, writing: fanfictions, fandom: death note, general: birthdays

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