Toastmaster sucks...

Dec 28, 2005 22:24

My wife bought me an air popper (for popcorn, no shit) for Hanukkah (I got her a portable DVD player). We had one when I was a kid, and we used it a lot. I don't like microwave corn, and doing it on the stove is tricky; you have to get it out of the pan just in time or it will burn fast (too soon and you waste popcorn, plus they explode all over the kitchen). But that's what I usually do.

I dropped several hints that I wanted one, and she got it for me! Yay! I was so excited. I put it together, poured in the popcorn, and fired that bitch up.

What followed was like a horrible industrial accident.

The corn started to pop. Cool. It came out big and fluffy, unlike what I make on the stove. Then more popped, and the neck of the machine started to fill. Then it pushed the popcorn out the chute, along with HALF THE FUCKING UNPOPPED CORN!!! It was all at critical mass, and it started going off in the bowl! We both got burned, the chute was too wide for any size bowl, so it was pouring on the counter, too. She burned her hand on the bowl, and all we got was a handful of nicely popped corn, and a bushel of burned kernels.
I haven't given up hope. I will search for a high quality one. My quest will never end, until I can pop corn until I'm choking on those little pieces of hull that gets stuck in the back of your mouth....
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