Guns, Knives, and Filing Cabinets.

Nov 26, 2001 10:39

An exciting few days, to be sure. Finally got around to sorting mp3s, as has been planned for some considerable time - here's a bit of background. Stephen has a box. That box is my usual shell account, among other things, and serves as the communal storage area for his house, and those of us with accounts on it - so it accumulates a huge amount of junk. And of course, being junk, it's hardly well organised... one of those things that everyone knows needs to be done, but no-one wants to deal with just yet, and so it got put off, repeatedly. Some time ago it was decided that it needed to be cleaned out and re-organised, probably around Easter, come to think of it - and it's been on the to-do list ever since. So a couple of nights ago, when I was bored out of my nut - as tends to happen all too often in the early hours of the morning, when no-one's online and yet I can't (or won't) sleep - I got started on it. What a disaster it was; I'm surprised no-one chucked a wobbly and did something about it before now. So I've been re-organising it for the last few days, an hour here and there when I got bored enough to think about it, and I'm pleased to say that order has finally come to it. Over eight gigs, in total... and now it's all in a coherent structure, and the duplicates are gone, and so on and so forth... a deeply satisfying feeling, to know I've /accomplished/ something for once. Trivial as it may be, I can claim credit for it, entirely of my own. Box has been tamed. Yes, I'm rather proud of myself over it, too. Once I finished that I cleared up the rest of the place, the roms and the game demos and patches, the uploads... I figured I may as well, while I was motivated... so box is sorted out - to my standards, if not anyone elses. Probably the first real /accomplishment/ I've made this year, or at least the only one I can claim is a success, without qualifications or exaggerations. The banal and trivial nature of it has nothing to do with it; it's the fact I /did/ it, not what I did. But asides from that, life's been pretty much as per normal. Played Serious Sam to the end with Afromann - on easy mode, which is rather misnamed. It ain't easy. Rather hectic, in fact. And we'll do it again on Serious (the hardest) mode soon... now /that/ will be intense. Thank Croteam for unlimited respawns. We'll include Stephen in it as well, if he's home and interested - he's not much of a gamer because his eyesight does weird things when watching 3d graphics, but he's expressed an interest in joining in before now. So that's three folks kicking large amounts of bootay... I mean, I suck, but it's still a metric shitload of fun. Speaking of violence and destruction, a virtual network is up between Stephen's and Snowy's places; means I can participate in lan games hosted at snowys, and vice-versa... rather sweet. Ping isn't quite lan-standard, but it certainly isn't to be sneezed at. Pity I suck even harder at counterstrike than I do at Sam... ah well. Practise, practise, practise.

I ran into an old buddy of mine from my mudding days a little while back, talked out some old times, and where he is now... bastard is starting a master's degree in biotechnology next year, which is scary... I'll be catching up with the rest of the gang pretty soon, too. An old friend is getting married, so the gang is getting back together to see her off. It's been almost two years since I've seen some of them... we scattered to the winds about eighteen months back, but I'd been pretty out of the loop for a while before that, as the group dissolved. It'll be damn good to get in touch with them all again; hell I don't even know what /city/ some of them are living in, atm. Far too long, and we've all moved on in our respective lives. Even me, hard though it is to credit... the old days ain't never gunna come back, but the bonds forged back then will never truly die. Ah, the old days... hanging with Serps and Saragon, videos with the Witches... when I was Dilph da Disreputable, the one with the filthy robes and the sentient socks. And the knack for twisting peoples comments. I guess some things just never change... my mind still resides in the gutter.

It's good to be back.
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