Guren- The Gazette

Nov 26, 2010 12:35

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i love this song, everytime i listen to it, i feel like dropping down on my knees, or curling into a small ball in the dark corner and just cry my heart out. and this is before i found the meaning to the lyrics. Music is universal, if the band/song is good enough, language is not a barrier for you to understand the intent or meaning behind the song...

so this is the chorus, i got it from ([info]rwest81) in the gazette_lyrics LJ

"I don't want you to fade away, my dear...
I want you to give me just one sigh
A tiny heartbeat, a cry
My dear, I want you to stay here"

waaaaaaaaa~~~~ *is wailing and wiping tears away furiously*

jrock, ruki is so beautiful

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