May 12, 2009 19:49
This is how my very first call went today:
Me: "Hello, Mrs. Evans. I am Amanda with CLA Estate Services and I am calling to invite you to a complimentary Estate Planning workshop."
Mrs. Evans: (cuts me off) "I hate when you bitches call me! Why can't you just get off your ass and get a real fucking job?!?"
Me: "Wow! My first call...already!"
Mrs. Evans: "Oh! It's your first day?"
Me: "Yes ma'am."
Mrs. Evans: "Well in that case...fuck you! Go fuck yourself cunt."
Me: "Thank you ma'am, you do the same."
Mrs. Evans: (hangs up)
Me: (giggles a little)
20 minutes later, my supervisor comes over to tell me what I did wrong and she was kinda flipping out.
Supervisor: "Do you realize that you just told her to *bleep* off, Amanda?!?"
Me: (I'm like duh!) "I thought she told me to "have a nice day" so I replied with "you do the same." "
Supervisor: "You know better than that! Now we'll never get her to go to the workshop."
Me: ....... O_o "You may wanna put her on the 'do not call' list."