a number of my friends seem to be staunch anti-libertarians, and that sometimes confuses me. i think i just read the wrong articles, because
this (titled as above) is what i think of as a classic libertarian position. (i think even the rabid ayn rand fans have been known to beat this drum, and they have a lot less that can usually be said to
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If you work in the tech industry here in California you get a lot of these "libertarians" - it's part of the brogrammer culture.
You may not think they're libertarian, and the "about" section defines them as "right-of-center." However, once you read the site you'll find the users generally consider themselves "libertarian conservatives" and "libertarian populists," and they are redefining the term libertarian in a way that is very different than what has long been the commonly agreed-upon definition. Most of the people on that site don't know Reason Magazine and don't know EFF. The few that DO know EFF have really, really bad things to say about it. And that is the weird-ass "LIbertarianism" that I am hearing about in the tech industry out here, usually combined with a heaping cup of Infowars to sweeten (?) the pot.
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond; it's been a crazy couple of weeks.
I'm curious where you got your "twice as much traffic" number from. I haven't thought much about website ranking before, but the first hit on Google for it was Alexa, which I've heard of - they came up with the following traffic numbers: Reason 1911th in the US, 7592nd worldwide; RedState 4768th in the US, 21221st worldwide. Googlefight gives Reason a 1000:1 margin.
I'm not going to waste my time actually *reading* RedState.com, but the wikipedia page says nothing about libertarian and a whole lot about conservative and Republican. There may be some people who use the site who self-identify as libertarian, but I wouldn't call them doing so as in any way "redefining" what libertarian means. I think the tech industry in California is pocket of oddballness, if that's what passes for libertarian there.
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