Take away my silence

Mar 09, 2005 11:41

International Women's Day is now over. It strikes me as funny that any holiday celebrating the equality of a specific group of people actually seperates them and thus makes them inequal. Not that I'm making fun of anything, just stating the problem inherent with the day. However, a quick Google informed me that there is NO International Men's Day. What the heck? Come on ladies, someone had to drive all of you to the hospital; let's be fair. I elect one of the later days in July for the new Men's Day, because summer is great and the barbeque grills will already be out from July 4. In the mean time, my respect to the women who have taken a stand against the status quo throughout history.

This weekend was flat out incredible. Friday night was Night at the Oscars for Campus Crusade. We have a red carpet, formal, catered dinner while watching student-submitted movies and voting on them for awards. I have not had that much fun in a very long time. Saturday morning, Ryan and I got up early and went to Laguna Park for the Tsunami Relief 5K Fund Run. About 250 people ended up coming and we raised over $7,000 for the VeAhavta orphanage in Sri Lanka. AWESOME-O!

That night, I met up with Michelle, her sister, and her dad for dinner (I had sweet potato french fries for the first time, DELICIOUS) and then went to see the student production of Macbeth. For my Sound Design class, we created all of the sound effects for this play, so I was really excited. Well, except for the Murderer and Housemaid, the cast was awesome, but the director only used two of the six sound effects my group produced!! Other groups said the same story... what a turd.

In terms of the girl issues, let's just say that God has given me a huge peace of mind about it. Praise Him for answered prayers and I will give my worries and burdens to Him. To quote Homestar, "I guess I just don't understaannndd the ladies." But for now, I'm just gonna let her do her thing and enjoy my state of not caring.

Night at the Oscars and a few from L.A. before. To whet your appetite:

My 'date' Kelsey and I being blurry

Our sweet kicks (notice my shirt matches her Chucks... oh yeah).
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