Time time time, Where did the bubbles go?

Jun 21, 2007 11:04

Hello Everyone. How appropriate.

Last Friday 6/15/07 My 3rd child was born via Emergency C section. C sections should not be prefered, but I understand the need for them.
The cord was wrapped around Zachary's neck Twice and around his body once. Thus not having enough Rope to hang himself, but enough to get stuck less then half way out. Lucky the Doctor was able to read the signs before Full delivery begain. We are D8 80% Effaced and -2, They want +2 for delivery, the relative hieght of the Uterous. (SP)

Anywho they rolled her out birth time was approx 7:17. It is good that everyone is well adn healthy but it sucked because recovery time for both was 3 hours. So family had to wait quite awhile.
They were able to see Zachary though the nusery window. All in all we got through it.

We are moving the office this week. So Sierra and I had already discussed leaning on the family for this week, so I could work the OT. We could use the money. I'm not sure how much more OT I will get the rest of the year. Hopefully it won't be the last.

Already have 8 ot, and today and tomorrow I have scheduled for 32 hours. (16 hour days)

Should be good either way.

Anywho back to work.

plus, tired, birth, boy, c section, work

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