☂ w a i d f

Jan 28, 2010 14:41

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☁ Personality:

Choutarou has always been a diligent, responsible boy. Growing up and leaving the home has only furthered that sense of responsibility -- and strengthened his resolve for perseverance and diligence. He’s the sort of character who believes very strictly in self-discipline, a trait that’s much valued in the music industry and which has taken him far from the child music prodigy he once was to the latest debuting concert pianist of the decade. Despite his sudden turn in fortunes, however, he has not gained a shred of arrogance since his departure from middle school tennis, and continues to understand the need for a humble outlook on life and politesse to everyone around them.

He has a sweet personality. He really does. Being the only nice guy on a team full of arrogant, self-absorbed rich kids, it’s a little surprising that he is the way he is, and he hasn’t changed a single bit since then. He is compassionate, empathetic, and constantly looks out for those around him selflessly. Optimistic and cheerful, he only thinks of the best for everyone, and believes wholeheartedly that if you put all your heart into what you love best, then you will succeed. In this, he is more than a little naive, but can you fault his friends for never telling him otherwise? He’s the kind of person who always tries his best for both his own sake and everyone else’s, and this makes him both a valued friend and an easy person to get along with.

However, because of his sweet and compromising personality, Choutarou often finds it difficult to recognize it when others are taking advantage of him. Rather, he is the sort of character who would rather let others walk all over himself rather than truly take charge. His kind nature makes him incapable of truly disliking someone -- he’s the sort of person who can see both the good and the bad in someone, and who truly wishes to believe in whatever good he sees. However, because of this, he often becomes irrationally worried about others, and over-thinks even the simplest of problems, which puts undue pressure on him and also directly affects his public performances as a pianist, much to his chagrin.

He is easily embarrassed, somewhat oblivious but he has a dream he wants to achieve -- to be able to play in America over at Carnegie hall before his family and friends -- and he will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. That’s his resolve.

ღ basic stats

name : Ōtori Chōtarō 鳳 長太郎
age : 21
gender : male
home city : tokyo
birthdate : feb. 14th

ღ summary

✠ diligent
✠ responsible
✠ amiable
✠ genial
✠ friendly
✠ idealistic
✠ optimistic
✠ nice
✠ worry-wart
✠ over-thinker
✠ oblivious
✠ naive
✠ curious
✠ polite
✠ understanding
✠ empathetic
✠ sympathetic
✠ reasonable
✠ stubborn
✠ airheaded
✠ clumsy
✠ determined

ღ past

✱ gigantic family
✱ youngest of two
✱ musical prodigy
✱ doubles with Shishido-san
✱ Todai -- majors in solo performance
✱ Mentor to little kids
✱ Debut performance

ღ favorite...

music : classical (Chopin ♥)
book : anything on music history
ice-cream : mint
drink : milk
food : vegetarian okonomiyaki
color : off-white
dessert : apple slices
word : 'with all my soul'
flavour : mint
smell : mint!
pasttime : playing the piano
hobby : piano and violin, music!!

ღ likes...

☀ music
☀ musical things
☀ playing the piano
☀ playing the violin
☀ listening to music etc.
☀ talking walks
☀ winter
☀ the little things in life
☀ art
☀ music jokes
☀ small furry creatures
☀ flowers
☀ beaches
☀ the thing that goes doink
☀ friendly people
☀ smiles
☀ sunlight
☀ waking up early
☀ romantic movies

ღ dislikes...

☂ overcast days
☂ dissonance
☂ really bad music
☂ wilted flowers
☂ people hurting animals D8
☂ getting wet in the rain
☂ out of tune pianos
☂ sad things
☂ horror movies
☂ spicy things
☂ insects
☂ his height

☀ ☁ ☂

☁ Canon:

► He is nice and compassionate and wishes the very best for everyone. On the flip side, he can't read jokes very well and has a tendency to take everything really seriously in an adorable way. This makes it hard for him to figure out when others take advantage of him, but he tries to be open-minded.

► He can't stand people experimenting on animals, or hurting, or anything to do with bringing harm to animals. At all.

► His family is fairly well-off, but he doesn't like taking things for granted. His father is a lawyer, so he had a vaguely traditional up-bringing. He has an older sister, and so he can sympathize when others complain about their significant others taking up the bathroom for hours at a time.

► He is very good at reading people, and is very sensitive to the needs of others. However, he tends to overthink things, which brings him to some very startling (and sometimes accurate) conclusions.

► He always has a sincere smile on his face and is always ready to lend a hand to just about everyone. He also doesn't hold grudges.

► He is fairly compliant with people and tends to do what's asked just because he doesn't see anything wrong with it. But he has strong convictions and will argue back sadly if he doesn't agree with a decision.

► He places full faith in his senpai and feels that his role is to support them with all his being. Even now he still thinks that way.

► He is a musical prodigy, gifted with a sense of perfect pitch and having developed an accurate sense of rhythm through tennis, of all things. He plays both the piano and the violin with a high degree of competence.

☀ ☁ ☂

☁ Headcanon:

► He is a polite vegetarian, the sort who doesn't mind if you eat animals yourself but who politely disengages himself from such activities. However, he does still consume animal related products, such as eggs and milk. To make up for a good part of his missing protein diet, he always carries around a small bag of assorted nuts to munch on throughout the day.

► He has a notorious black thumb. Every plant that ends up under his care tends to die off within the week. He's not sure why.

► Animals like him on principle, and he's known to tame even the unfriendliest of creatures within hours of meeting them. However, it's not always the same with people. For some reason, his goody-two-shoes aura often make people balk at his presence. He's not sure why either.

► He is a believer of sleeping before ten at all costs and being an irrepressible early bird, something that his roommates have always bemoaned until they got used to him making breakfast every morning and preparing all of their lunches and doing just about every other household chore. Something about music students having too much time on their schedules when they're not slaving away over a piano.

► He has stage fright to the nth level. It wasn't so bad when he was playing doubles, because there was someone to share the limelight with him and he tended to tune everything out once the game started anyway. Being on stage by himself accompanied by a sole piano is something completely different. He generally spends the three days before and after a performance alternating between choking out notes on his piano and locking himself in the bathroom.

► He doesn't watch or follow anime, but he does like the soundtracks that his roommate recommends to him. However, he can't seem to understand why it's inappropriate to play piano arrangements of anime theme songs during recitals.

► Piano has done well for the dexterity of his fingers, and so he's generally a quick learner when it comes to picking up just about any other instrument, and others things that don't relate to music but relate to finger dexterity. Such as origami, for example, and typing.

► On the flip side, his hands are rather large, and he finds poking away at one of those small dinky iphone keyboards to be really, really taxing.

► He is an utter fail with technology. Enough said. It took him weeks beofore he figured out how to navigate his iphone, and even now he's having a little trouble figuring out how to make all the proper punctuation appear whenever he texts. Don't get me started with computers.

► He has a tendency to be a scatterbrain. This usually isn't too much of a problem, as musicians are stereotyped to be generally spacey anyway, but it becomes extremely apparent during the weeks leading up to his concerts. He will then start to forget keys, wallets, ID cards, homework, music, where he parked his car, the way to his room, his phone number -- until it becomes a hazard just letting him step outside of his dorm room.

► He misses his old Hyoutei teammates, wonders about how they're doing often and still dutifully sets aside time on their birthdates in case one of them decides to call up out of the blue and reconnect for some odd reason or another. He's too polite to actually contact them himself, but he is always hopeful that he'll meet them on the street one day and be able to exchange greetings. He's always been a little sentimental, and more than a little optimistic.

► He gets along superbly with his sister. Therefore, he doesn't quite understand the usual sibling dynamics that seem to be pretty prevalent in families now a days, but he tries his best to empathize.

► He is Oblivious, with the capital o firmly attached in place. If he were a pokemon, his ability would be Oblivious. If there was a world championship for being oblivious, he would score the winning title without even meaning to. Yes.

► However, he could never deny his senpai anything. Anything. While he has strong moral convictions, he seems to be under the impression that if his senpai ask him to do anything, it's because that it's important enough to override his scruples. In that, he seems to have an undying belief in his senpai, which may not necessarily translate to something healthy.


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