Apr 10, 2006 17:31
I always liked zane alot...enough to say some shit if someone said something bad about him..cocky ass hole rocked it like he wanted all the time...sex fishing and blunt and some laughs...he is in my relm of beach gangster and i will miss hiim..i taught him a lot of wrestling..AND IN THE WORDS OF TURTZO..: "how much u wanna bet zane could double leg god" one love
they take your libral minded views they spit them back at you. quote you in scripture and you say your free...u dont seem to free to me.. Tfair
Just bought 5000 $ of stero equpiment off some dude for 300$ well see how that works out...haha...anyways...work is hard but i made 135 $ last night
my knees are killing me
i miss trav hunter dandana scumber drew and bobby