Mar 20, 2006 17:35
I got a job at Shula's at epcot...I will be banking paying some people back then saving for my trip...It is going to be the coolest trip ever....My spring break was awesome..MY car keeps breaking down but my dad is helping out alot...Which is tight..GOt drunk at my brothers for st patties...Good times...Phil mandick is out of this world...mentally gotta love the Oger though...School is really tough...I ll be working roughly 70 hours a week if u count school..I fucking love it has to pay off some time...then i can flick people off and it will hurt there feelings more then now cause ill be driving a nice car and have a hott hott wife. Well see how it all works out..i miss b town already...I gotta work out then go to class ...then a big night of flushing my system for my drug test....DOwn with THC.