how to help if you are out of Japan: LJ specific: fandom-related auctions to raise money. Winner of the auction chooses where to donate.
help_japan how to help if you are in Korea: how to help if you are in Japan: Additional information for Japanese residents via twitter:
iTunes Storeから東日本大震災救援活動への募金ができるようになりました。現在Mac/PCからのみアクセス可能です。
You can now donate to Eastern Japan Earthquake Relief through the iTunes Store. This is currently only available for Mac/PC users.
被災地以外の皆さまへ】 ①ボランティアは要請があってから ②個人単位での物資送付はしない ③節電 ④できれば募金 ⑤人災に注意 ⑥必要以上の買い込みをしない ⑦公共機関、徒歩、自転車を使用 ⑧適度なストレス発散 よろしくお願いします。
To people outside afflicted areas: (1) volunteer after being requested to do so (2) don't send supplies individually (3) conserve electricity (4) donate money if you can (5) beware of man-made disasters (6) don't stock up more than necessary (7) use public facilities, walk, ride a bike (8) relieve stress moderately. thank you very much.
日本赤十字社の募金方法!義援金窓口1 郵便局・ゆうちょ銀行口座記号番号:00140-8-507 口座加入者名:日本赤十字社 東北関東大震災義援金/取扱期間:平成23年3月14日(月)~平成23年9月30日(金)
How to donate to the Japanese Red Cross:
Donation window 1
Postal/Yucho Bank account number: 00140-8-507
Account name: Japanese Red Cross Northeastern Kantou Earthquake Relief Fund
Handling Period: March 14, 2011-September 30, 2011
For all women living in the central 23 wards, please do not go out alone at night. Malicious criminal activities have increased. A group of 4 men posing as Tokyo Gas workers appear to be infesting the 23 wards. Please be careful!
【ドコモユーザー皆様へ・拡散希望】i メニューから、地震義援金をケータイ送金で送れるようになっています!手数料は掛かりません。100円〜最大20,000円まで、翌月の携帯料金と一緒に請求されます。少額でも良いと思うんです。たった100円と思わずに、無理のない額でご協力お願いします!
For Docomo users (please forward): from your iMenu, you are now able to send money for earthquake relief. There is no service charge. You can send anything from 100 yen to 20,000 yen and it will be put on your phone service bill the following day. Even a small sum is good. Even 100 yen which you can do without a thought, please cooperate with a manageable sum of money.
Beware of donating to UNICEF Japan; it is not affiliated with the international UNICEF.
*[I have seen this information from a couple of sources, but I can't confirm the 75% thing.]
(Please spread this about donations) If you donate to UNICEF Japan, only 75% of what you donate will go through. If you go through the Red Cross, 100% will be delivered. With dmm, they will match the amount to take it to 200%. That is, if you donate 200 yen, 400 yen will be sent. This is carefully researched information, thank you very much.
*[I also cannot confirm this "dmm" but Red Cross is definitely safe. DMM website is
(Please spread!) It is very easy to donate money at Family Mart! Press the donation button on the FamiPort and open the page for Japan Red Cross. Then enter the amount of money you wish to donate and take the slip that comes out to the register within 30 minutes. You can donate any amount from 500 yen up. It takes less than 3 minutes. You just have to do it.
Please don't put money into donation boxes which you aren't sure about. You can donate to the Japan Red Cross through Family Mart FamiPort. If you are a Tsutaya user, you can use T Points. It is next to the register at Lawson. [7-11 info now out of date but it says that donations will be possible beginning from the 13th]
【拡散希望】こんの非常事態に、泣いた親のマネして振込み詐欺の電話がきた。…悲しくなるオレオレ詐欺や振込み詐欺が増えてます、ともかく、振込みってセリフが出たら、絶対にぜーーーったいに詐欺だと思って!!振込む前に近くの人に相談!! …まじでコレやってる奴に呪いあれ。(
This won't affect any foreigners, but there is a new scam making phone calls asking for help, pretending to be a parent crying. If they say anything about a money transfer, it's a scam.
More information including donation of blankets, sleeping bags etc.: April 15 update: on-going ways to help if you live in Japan
* Continue to make a monthly donation to the Japanese Red Cross fund for Tohoku Earthquake Relief.
The easiest way is through the FamiPort machines at Family Mart, or you can send it to their postal account (see details above in this post).
For people in Japan, you can also donate directly to the communities most in need by sending money to their postal accounts. Check the municipal websites; even the most hard-hit areas are online to some degree.
Gaijin Relief Volunteers in Japan Facebook page has many good links including some of the following:
Peaceboat Tohoku Kanto Earthquake Emergency Relief facebook page has information about volunteering
Habitat for Humanity (volunteer sign-up information is
hereSmile Kids Japan Tohoku Kids' Project - to support children orphaned by the earthquake and tsunami
Sign-ups for International Students to Volunteer in Ishinomaki (I will update in more detail this weekend; I'm researching ways to volunteer and help out beyond donating money)
Please let me know if you have additional useful information.