Title: Smokey Solitude
Author: Supesfan88/EclecticAce
Pairing/Characters: Greg Lestrade
Rating: PG-13-ish
Word Count: 697-ish
Spoilers: None
Summary: On one of Greg's rare days off we find him alone in his flat, reminiscing about his past.
Notes/Warnings: Swearing, drinking, smoking -- Un-Betaed
Disclaimer: Inspector Gregory Lestrade is an original idea of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, however the incarnation of Lestrade I went with here is based on DI Lestrade, who is played by the absolutely amazing Rupert Graves, and belongs to Steven Moffatt and Mark Gatiss.
There had to be something said about a honest to god good cigarette - even the carcinogen filled hazy blue smoke seemed to "slide" easily down his throat and into his lungs (rather than the usual "drag and scratch" feeling seemingly suffered with all others), half a tumbler of 100 year old Walker Black - neat, of course (because anything else would be a sin), side two of "Dark Side" on a tried, true and well-loved 35 year old record player, and utter, fucking solitude.
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