Fic: Pub Night (complete)

Dec 31, 2013 22:10

Title: Pub Night
Author: hardboiledbaby
Rating: PG-13
Characters and/or pairings: Greg+John bromance, background John/Mary, pre-John/Sherlock
Spoilers: none for S3 and beyond
Warnings, kinks & contents: (highlight to view) [Minor Character Death]
Length: 6,832
Disclaimer: So very much not mine. So very much no profit. Just very much love.

Summary: Greg and John have been meeting for Pub Nights every other Thursday for almost two years. But this one was bound to be different.

A Lestrade-centric hiatus fic, written in a feverish rush and posted just before S3 airs (even though it's already jossed by the mini-episode, but whatever). Haphazardly beaten with the self-beta stick and no Brit-pick, and why am I writing in an open canon, again?

Story link: On AO3

character: john watson, character: lestrade, rating: pg-13, category: angst, category: friendship, fanworks: fic, character: sherlock holmes

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