Fic: Four Drunk!lock fills

Aug 22, 2011 18:48

Title: Four Drunk!lock fills

Author: grassle

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters from the BBC‘s Sherlock

Rating of Material: PG

Summary: Fill of this prompt
Write a fic based on one of the TFBS macros (or directly from Texts From Last Night) and post it here with a pic or link to the inspiring macro.

Results and Warnings: Literally written during coffee breaks, mostly as Magda wanted to be in a Polish-themed fic.

Toaster! Opiekacz!

character: donovan, character: mycroft holmes, fanworks: fic, character: anderson, category: humor, character: lestrade, character: dimmock, category: pre-slash, pairing: sherlock/lestrade, rating: pg, character: sherlock holmes

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