this one goes out to all the LJers who don't believe.

May 31, 2005 21:47

This weekend.
It was pretty much a good time, this LJ is so useless cuz i just end up doing goods and bads

i just know that
+Be(a)sties slept over ; )
+got a shirt for Dannys
+hung out with david.

Ablock: Spilliotis! SPILLIOTIS! ITS THE SPILLLLLLLL! did nothing, made cards.

Bblock: Haste is getting a little pissy lately, but the project is fun

Cblock: Long spanish, did nothing talked about prom and what not... seemed cool.

Dblock: he has a gay haircut and he is a big faggot

Eblock: FOODS FINAL OMG.. haha it was awesome i ended up having like tommy kelly and sean dubois cheat off of me cuz they seem cool.

Fblock: fitness room, talked to tim for a little, hes good at heart.

Gblock: found out about class thingys, but keely yelled and couldnt hear president so it sorta ruined it. but yeah he fucked up.. whatever sophomore class will be a matriarch thats the way it should be.

Came home, watched some TV. story of my life, nothing interesting.
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