Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2006 22:24

1.Where does Halloween fall on your "holiday excitement scale"? I do like Halloween, but I wouldn't say I get that excited about it. I think these days its too commercialised and overrated, and too far away from the original festival of Samhain. Though I do like fancy dress parties!

2.At what age do you consider someone to be too old for trick or treating? Anyone with a 'teen' on the end of their age - also the most likely to splat mustard or something on your front door if you don't open it to them, the little shits.

3. What was your worst Halloween costume? I once actually went to a pub Halloween party in a PVC bra and trousers combo... I was face painting for free drinks and was a LOT slimmer!

4.Is handing out treats fun for you, or more of a nightmare? Usually I would say a nightmare, but next year I am going to decorate my house, dress up and gets loads of sweets in for the little ones. I am not that into kids but I think it would be fun to play along.

5.Do you see Halloween as an excuse to show some skin and get away with it? If not, what do you think of people who dress this way? If you've got it, flaunt it, I say. If you are going to a party in a pub or club, then its the perfect excuse to wear a sexy costume if you're into it. I used to be. So I don't have a problem with it, unless the person in question is out with kids!
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