memo for future queerdorkiness

Mar 21, 2007 03:00

To: Self
From: Me
Re: future D&D character

Lesbian succubus paladin. Low-to-no angst. Cheerleader-happy, assertive and very archon-acting. Moderate righteousness. Obviously would have to be a high-powered D&D game, since I can't see the character working below ECL 12. Possible multiclass with warshaper, just because it's that damned good and succubi can polymorph at will.

Possibly an NPC in the next game I run, because angelic messengers are overdone and a succubus paladin is just an awesome idea. Even better if she is how she is only because she's got a helm of opposite alignment that she wears all the time, afraid that if it comes off she'll revert to chaotic evil and that's a fate worse than death. Or free will, that can work too.

For a visual inspiration, try Tricia Helfer with bat wings. In full-body glowing golden plate mail fighting a marilith all "Paladin In Hell"-y

-Allison doesn't apologize for such thoughts on any level
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